So, take a criminal for a marginal improvement at QB? I mean c'mon if he was a great QB, I can almost see it. Sell your pride, integrity, and humanity for a SB win...I can almost see that. But he wasn't.
I am coming to a similar guess myself. That sucks in a whole lot of ways as it demonstrates:
Colleges just let football players pass classes (read his posts, close to being functionally illiterate)
Marshawn is racist in addition to being very similar to a common thug
He cannot evaluate players (can't grasp that Vick wasn't very good), so his commitment to the NFL seems tenuous at best
I really wanted NASA to develop a true ship capable of going to other planets in our solar system. I was hoping for something like this when I was still young enough (read: not a drooling 100 year old) to appreciate its significance.
Gotcha, I figured that much. I was more interested (my fault for not being clear) in whether they used deductions and such to avoid the highest rate. Looks like they did. Interesting read on Billy Sol Estes. Liked this bit:
Did a little reformat of the table with just CIA Factbook compared year to year. It is here
Yeah it is a bump because IMO the figures are scary crazy. Like a 15% increase in overall public debt in a 1 year period.
Hmm cool. Thanks, sorta embarrassing I didn't find that as I am usually somewhat of a wiki fan. The talk page indicates the article was off in the past, but no one is bitching now. It MIGHT be accurate. Some discrepancy between the estimates too.