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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I would think that any colonization attempts (something we are way away from) would still be filled with professionals. Afterall, you aren't sending more than dozens at a time, you are not going to pick the average guy. They will be exceptional in that they are astronauts who have another vocation.
  2. I made several sarcastic/inflammatory posts about this situation. To be perfectly honest, I think AD does a good job moderating these boards with the posters he has to work with...
  3. Really? I was implying they would attack you. I have been in areas where I gave money to a homeless type and then I was swarmed by others.
  4. /pictures Chef with 20k in 1 dollar bills going among the homeless 2 minutes seems about right.
  5. God, you can't even lie well. It was clearly meant to be "of race". You are genuinely pathetic, as clearly you are a one note poster with a clear racial bias. Do the "darkies" scare you? Do you cross the street when you see one approaching? Think about your life and how pathetic it is; on a fairly conservative (not implying that means racist) board your overt racism has branded you a pariah. There should be plenty here who would agree with your other ideas (if you had one), but there isn't. With the exception of a liberal troll, you are universally despised.
  6. Why do you want to question what people look like?
  7. You do realize he barely even moderates this board right? Sure, he is a dick, I grant you that. Fairly sure AD is waiting for me to make a mistake so he can pounce However, this board is essentially a free for all with occasional outbreaks of lucidity where actual conversations occur. Would you rather he tighten the reins on the speech? Or would you restrict his? Never seen AD bounce someone unfairly. Well other than myself and he simply has fat fingers.
  8. Liked the one where they ripped the skeleton out.
  9. If I am not mistaken the one at 58 seconds is DCTom vs Connor.
  10. It seems the crown must be relinquished once again...
  11. You are really bad at this game, rip him apart Levi.
  12. Just to be clear, I think you are a racist !@#$. So does most of the rest of the board, it isn't an Adams thing.
  13. It is a conspiracy, they are all after you.
  14. The sad part is both sides do it, there isn't much difference in their methods.
  15. Words and terms have meaning, say like, "government official"?
  16. Consensus can be found. Hope springs eternal.
  17. They don't need any help.
  18. Just to clarify, most here aren't mocking the Tea Party, they are mocking you.
  19. The only way to stop a bully is to stand up to him.
  20. I recommend you tackle AD head on. Don't let him push you around like that.
  21. From the picture, looks like someone did.
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