The whole sordid mess is disturbing. When the first case came out, I found it unlikely. I mean the woman was clearly crazy, and no way would a guy who can get sex at a moments notice rape a girl, right? After talking it over with a couple of friends, one lady brought up the idea of entitlement. The idea being that some men when put in a situation where there are all these women lining up to have sex with them get used to it. So if a girl says no, she doesn't really mean it. After all doesn't she know who he is? Obviously psychoanalyzing someone from a distance is impossible, but in my mind, this is a distinct possibility.
With this second woman, I am fairly sure Ben at the minimum did something insanely stupid. I am inclined to think he raped her. The shots, seen it thousands of times, men eager to get in a woman's panties buying drink after drink. Sorry, taking her away from her friends and then keeping them from her screams volumes. Sure the woman might be a scheming gold-digger slut. I know nothing about her. I do know there are other allegations against Ben. I hope the truth comes out. And when it does, assuming it is what I think, I hope they put him away for a long time.