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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Generally, .08 BAC. = I meant generally .08 is the legal limit, she would be below that. Sorry if I was unclear, but I retract nothing. .015 to .020 is the generally accepted rate of reduction. I took multiple classes on this as a bartender. Refute the percentage if you can.
  2. Your body doesn't process the alcohol out of your system at a certain rate? Sure you want to stick with that?
  3. I mean she would be below that level. From Wiki: That is why I gave the 2-3 hour range.
  4. Not if she drank it in 3 hours. Hell, probably two. Generally, .08 BAC.
  5. Alcohol impairs driving more than marijuana Marijuana's Effects on Actual Driving Performance Debunk, no clue if they are truthful, but better than anything anyone has shown about marijuana degrading driving significantly. Mind you, 4 glasses of wine is legal.
  6. Oh, I am not advocating silence. I just live in a state that does dumbass **** all the time and get embarrassed. I can empathize is all.
  7. Anyone have a clue if the tips are included or is that on top. If on top and living outside the area, I can see it.
  8. Because that has been debunked so badly and the stigma that is attached to the accusers dilutes any legitimate criticism.
  9. The buggy whip industry spits in your face.
  10. Is 40K salary and 30k benefits much in NYC? Not positive on that number, but that is what I heard.
  11. Okay, that is embarrassing if you live there.
  12. While I consider this a positive as I said, my actual issue was this: This was handled by the Iraqis mostly from what I understand. Their intelligence, a lot of their forces, so how do these four end up dead? These are the people you want. Anyone got anymore information?
  13. What I got out of it was read up on all this. I just didn't see the humor.
  14. May I ask what the point of your video was? I mean that in a nice way. Glad about the Hitler video, I think I was starting to learn German...albeit badly...
  15. You have my utmost sympathies brother. I know this must be a hard time for you, but you seem to be holding up well. It seems your father lead a a long life and passed easily, so if it was even a moderately happy one, he was a success.
  16. Well, that is legal. Sure, there is a slight loss of reflexes and lack of attention and such. However, pot doesn't mess you up anywhere near as bad as alcohol does. So how much THC for lack of a better description does it take to equal two glasses of wine? Half a joint of ragweed? One hit of Hawaiian?
  17. As others said, nice post. However, if I had my way it wouldn't play out like that. I would have minimal government involvement as it would be able to be sold commercially. Let the big corporations duke it out to produce the finest, kindest, tightest rolled packs of marijuana cigarettes (no filter naturally). Tax it at about the percentage of cigarettes and you still have a vastly reduced cost to the consumer. To sell commercially, you would need to purchase a business license at a very nominal fee based on the amount you want to sell, which entitles the government to check their records as far as sales, type and amount sold, any taxes collected etc. Mind you, the taxes will be fairly low. Within a year, no criminal cartel will be able to compete price wise. Unless of course they wish to become a legitimate business. Do you know many criminal cartels that want to let government agencies crack into their books? As to increased usage, there certainly will be a spike. I would imagine it would jump pretty high for a while and then sorta settle back down with alcohol and prescription drug sales decreasing somewhat and overall marijuana usage increasing overall. My somewhat hazy take.
  18. Doesn't seem to have been the cause that day.
  19. Or not like that, if just discussing weed it would appear.
  20. I know Magox already asked sorta, but could you clarify this point for me?
  21. He admitted sexual contact with her and has not disputed he bought her multiple shots. By her own admission, she wasn't sure what happened, at least at first.
  22. Alright, then screw it, make him a DE. I want him. Ok fine, we can't draft him, but what a pity.
  23. I would be happy with a Reggie White type too. My point is, does he have to be a DE in a 3-4? Is that his best position? It would seem with a little weight he could play NT, but I admit to ignorance. Is it possible is what I am asking. Edit- We could play him DE this season (we need help) and then get him to gradually gain weight (mostly muscle hopefully, but some nice padding). This would allow us to move him inside later. Total pipedream as he will never end up here anyway.
  24. Oh, I understand, what I am asking is would that help? With 20 pounds could he be a NT. Dropping 20, would that make him faster and more like Bruce? IIRC didn't Bruce lose a lot of weight?
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