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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I will have to catch it to make an opinion. In any case, it isn't like we have informed anyone except the very close.
  2. He was a white supremacist. I support his right to voice his opinion, yet can be happy when he kicks it.
  3. He was a white supremacist, so essentially yes.
  4. I doubt that any star faring race is hurting for resources we have.
  5. ByrdsDaWord Posts: 1,556 Joined: 18-April 08 LABillzFan Posts: 21,134 Joined: 11-September 02 Just saying...
  6. I am not sure since his post is totally incoherent, but it seems he is claiming we will have a bottom 5 salary this year?? Or is that previous years?? I doubt even this year we will have a bottom five and we generally average around the middle of the pack on salaries. In any case, he is an idiot.
  7. I find your obsession with Peter Pan guy disturbing.
  8. Link? I love patriotic hackers.
  9. See I sorta like having him around, it gives us something everyone can agree on.
  10. Fixed Welcome back btw
  11. Belichick needed 13 victims draft picks for the ritual.
  12. Sucks when you use that line and run into a closet masochist with a ball gag fetish. Not really picking on you Murra, that just amused me.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Like drafting a young Barry Sanders (his comparison, not mine) would be a bad thing.
  15. Really deserved it's own thread.
  16. Who knew they were right when they said porn would be the downfall of civilization.
  17. I know, sucks in a way as was pointed out, that reduces Fred's role probably. Wonder how Lynch will react to this.
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