Sorry, he is scum at best. No way I want him on the team. Sure, he might improve it, but it seems he is a complete ass. I grant you the pile-on factor to a degree, but the majority of the Pittsburgh fans?
Anecdotal, but my ex-wife is a fan. Huge fan, the computer room is in black and gold with tons of paraphernalia. I was part of a series of e-mails where guys picked on her about what was happening to Ben. She defended him fiercely. Since my ex and I are friends and fairly close, yet I had a different opinion, I stayed out of the conversation. I was with her Saturday night and we were talking, knowing her probable reaction I asked her honest opinion. Keeping in mind this is the woman with a *poster of Pig Ben in the computer room and named a character in an MMO Mrs Roethlisberger (while we were married). She said he at least probably took advantage of a drunk woman and could no longer cheer from him.
* - She took the poster down