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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. We are up to 14 btw before your addition (assuming anyone bought it). So you can't count either.
  2. Ask him who his favorite New England player is, I bet he can name one of them.
  3. I thought it a funny story. I made jokes about Super Mouse for years.
  4. At my old house I got mice once. I had seen one a week before and was on the lookout for him. He ran across the kitchen floor once and with the aid of a towel and moving the refrigerator, I was able to catch him (I assume it was a him). So being the kind heart I was back then, I took my captured mouse, drove about two blocks away and set him loose. A day later I see the mouse again (I assume it was the same one). The next thing I know (about two weeks later), I hear multiple squeaks from the wall right by the headboard of my bed about a week later. The male mouse had found a mate and started his own family. So I got the regular snap traps, coated them with cheese or peanut butter, and laid them all out. Not a single one of them worked. Oh they snapped alright, but never caught anything. So basically, I was feeding the growing family that had moved in with me. So I moved on to glue traps. Laid out like 24 of them in a 1200 square foot house. And nothing for like a week, when I was woke up around 8:00 AM on a Saturday morning by this pitiful squealing. I actually caught one of the adults. In my still inebriated state, I took him out to the trash, throwing the still squealing mouse in it. Four hours later, I realized I had better make sure of my kill. I go back out there and the trap is empty. There were holes in my trashcan, so he simply crawled out. Frustrated that my war with my roommates was faring so poorly, I went for overwhelming firepower. I think I got up to 24 glue traps and 24 snap traps. If I had a cat at the time, it would have had 4 broken paws and a glue trap stuck on its head. Around another week goes by, I am awakened at 2:00 AM by this loud pop from a trap going off. I really think it was the male (yeah like I have a way of knowing). The next day I caught the other adult in a glue trap. I gleefully squished it with my foot. After that the babies came running out looking for food. All 3 (I assume more left or died in my walls terrified by the weapons of mass destruction I had accumulated) got caught in the traps. Well, all but one. I hadn't seen any for a couple of days, so ordered pizza and left the mostly empty box on top of the stove (something I hadn't been doing - leaving food sources out). I walk into the kitchen and see the box move ever so slightly. I listen and hear just the hint of movement in the box. So I grabbed a trash bag, slammed the lid closed on the pizza box and wrapped it in the trash bag. I could tell there was another mouse inside, so proceeded to make the mouse re-enact the Star Wars trash compacter scene, only sans R2. Good luck in your war my friend, show no quarter. They are crafty little !@#$ers.
  5. I can just see an old DC Tom, molding young minds. The horror...
  6. Actually (some) people purposefully misrepresent what you say. To avoid it, you have to try and bullet proof your posts.
  7. Happy BDay Fez, now give an inspirational speech.
  8. I don't, but only because I don't want them (the government) to have the money. Now if they proposed a flat penalty...
  9. Agreed, I want "Last Unread". I will chip in.
  10. I apologize, run.
  11. Just to your posts in general. C'mon Murra, you have more smarts than that. Think it through. Have you read both threads?
  12. Would you agree the owner of the message board would have the right to make posters conform to a certain behavior if they wanted the right to post?
  13. You are clearly confused, I was referring to 300yrds and you are referring to Leonidas.
  14. AP - Bills Daily criticized in trade of Tim Graham for Skooby Admittedly, they left out the fact we also got the option to pick up 3 unnamed trolls at a later date.
  15. Grrr thanks, now I am probably on yet another list.
  16. Let's put this in perspective though. Oakland declined to trade for him. The Bills have a desperate need for a QB, have a guy with intimate knowledge of the guy on staff, and decline to trade for him? Pittsburgh sure seemed ready to ship him out. The NFL suspended him for a "non-crime" and people still think he is innocent of the actual crime?
  17. http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/ben-roethlisb...ory?id=10077171 Edit - It was initially stated that he did say that. I could be wrong, but the initial report of saying that, then the subsequent denial considering the way the police handled it, is doubtful IMO.
  18. Sorry, didn't mean to imply that John was fair game was discussing his work. Re-reading my post, I could see how that could be implied. I am wrong a lot, I picture you sitting around as sitting at your desk yelling at the monitor, "This is why we can't have nice things". When I know you are really loading your gun, grabbing your Bible and your car keys...
  19. Only in this case, Pig Ben bought her shots to the point she doesn't remember what happened (his defenders use that as some sort of defense), then had some sort of sexual contact with her. Even if she never said no, that would get some men in some states convicted of rape. Best case scenario, he is a waste of skin.
  20. Only it was specifically spelled out, don't mess with the reporters. Mind you, anyone with a clue knew that mainly meant Tim Graham. Wawrow is the other reporter, but he is pretty thick skinned. He comes down to PPP and takes his fair share of lumps.
  21. You were a precocious 4 year old. The guys who bombed Pearl Harbor...in WWI.
  22. It wasn't one person as far as I can tell. Leonidas was the unfortunate last offender. His attitude both before and after said transgression however, to me, prove that he did it intentionally (probably).
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