At my old house I got mice once. I had seen one a week before and was on the lookout for him. He ran across the kitchen floor once and with the aid of a towel and moving the refrigerator, I was able to catch him (I assume it was a him). So being the kind heart I was back then, I took my captured mouse, drove about two blocks away and set him loose. A day later I see the mouse again (I assume it was the same one). The next thing I know (about two weeks later), I hear multiple squeaks from the wall right by the headboard of my bed about a week later. The male mouse had found a mate and started his own family.
So I got the regular snap traps, coated them with cheese or peanut butter, and laid them all out. Not a single one of them worked. Oh they snapped alright, but never caught anything. So basically, I was feeding the growing family that had moved in with me. So I moved on to glue traps. Laid out like 24 of them in a 1200 square foot house. And nothing for like a week, when I was woke up around 8:00 AM on a Saturday morning by this pitiful squealing. I actually caught one of the adults. In my still inebriated state, I took him out to the trash, throwing the still squealing mouse in it. Four hours later, I realized I had better make sure of my kill. I go back out there and the trap is empty. There were holes in my trashcan, so he simply crawled out.
Frustrated that my war with my roommates was faring so poorly, I went for overwhelming firepower. I think I got up to 24 glue traps and 24 snap traps. If I had a cat at the time, it would have had 4 broken paws and a glue trap stuck on its head. Around another week goes by, I am awakened at 2:00 AM by this loud pop from a trap going off. I really think it was the male (yeah like I have a way of knowing). The next day I caught the other adult in a glue trap. I gleefully squished it with my foot. After that the babies came running out looking for food. All 3 (I assume more left or died in my walls terrified by the weapons of mass destruction I had accumulated) got caught in the traps.
Well, all but one. I hadn't seen any for a couple of days, so ordered pizza and left the mostly empty box on top of the stove (something I hadn't been doing - leaving food sources out). I walk into the kitchen and see the box move ever so slightly. I listen and hear just the hint of movement in the box. So I grabbed a trash bag, slammed the lid closed on the pizza box and wrapped it in the trash bag. I could tell there was another mouse inside, so proceeded to make the mouse re-enact the Star Wars trash compacter scene, only sans R2.
Good luck in your war my friend, show no quarter. They are crafty little !@#$ers.