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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Freakly (love this new word), you pushed that incident. You wanted to argue. I was supportive of you, until you went and insisted you were serious. Want to whine about me going off after that? Tough ****.
  2. Freakly? Oh and for a conservative type, you are "freakly" kind of a whiny kitty. Edit - As you are not the sharpest pencil in the box, I didn't type kitty, you kitty.
  3. I forgot that addendum to the unwritten rule.
  4. That sounds positive and nice. Okay, which one of you new mother!@#$ers hacked AD's account?
  5. Just a heads up for the new people, generally dishing on family is not approved of, at least in my experience. If you are clearly joking, no big deal. However, comments like, "I saw your wife in a back alley sucking off hobos" or somesuch is generally not a good idea. We bash on each other in this forum and it can get vicious as it is literally no holds barred. It's a fun game...
  6. Oh Dave is our resident racist. Do you guys have one?
  7. Was it elliot that referred to message board posts as blogging?
  8. I thought it was around post# 8742. Well it is definitely somewhere in that range (475 to 8742) ... or was it # 11967?
  9. You two are so !@#$ing stupid that is a severe shock to me you haven't died (much less be employed) from some day to day chore that an 80 IQ moron does daily, like: Forgetting to eat or drink (well Birdog is, Chef starts drinking when he wakes up) Tying your shoes Dealing with a crosswalk Getting out of bed (setting the alarm is way too technical, again just Birdog, Chef automatically awakens when his BAC drops below .10) Using stairs You get the idea Oh and Go Bills.
  10. Snopes Status: Undetermined P.S. It looks like some of his men did it at least.
  11. As if my opinion of her could go any lower (I would still hit it): Link Didn't even tell him.
  12. I can't believe that bastard Obama got us into this war!
  13. So it did not happen?
  14. Yeah, what is up with that? Why haven't the pro-business types chimed in and refuted this liberal hack? Are the banks still playing these games?
  15. My favorite prank is when they leave their computer unattended do this: Screenshot their desktop and save it to the desktop. Hide the taskbar and all icons. Make the screenshot their wallpaper. Haven't tried it with Windows 7, but I assume you can still do that.
  16. You are not even smart enough to edit a post, why should I even debate you? You are just a moronic racist putz.
  17. The people you feel contempt for are higher up on my list of decent human beings than you are. Why? You are a racist who tries to conceal it.
  18. You are a 1 trick pony. Congrats on being a contemptible human being.
  19. I am fully cognizant of the culture. You are still a moronic racist.
  20. Thought you said this was all over.
  21. Agreed, but another tip for the consumer is to simply tell the waiter/waitress is how much to give back.
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