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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. One thing I haven't touched on in this thread is the possibility of using a suitcase nuke to close the well. I have seen it suggested tons and was sorta confused why they didn't. I had vague recollections of that being used in the past, but assumed I was wrong. Turns out I was half right. This technique was used in the past, by the Russians, but to seal off natural gas wells. So we are discussing this over lunch and this guy who is probably DCTom's cousin chimes in, "Yes, but you realize the plate in the gulf of mexico is thinner, as a huge meteor hit there millions of years ago, there is a distinct possibility it could crack into the whole oil reserve." Is that even remotely correct? It sounds plausible, but none of the articles I pulled up on a quick Google search referenced a thin plate. Also, if that is complete ****, why don't they just nuke the damn thing? Mystified in Memphis
  2. So you actually do not have an issue with it being tax payer funded? Haven't seen the film or read anything other than the initial article, but that is insane IMO.
  3. There is going to be another one of these threads? !@#$
  4. Yes, who knows how it all played out, but tragic all the same. The only consolation I see, he went out as best he could. That is pretty damn impressive. Oh and fry those four.
  5. Member #9 has spoken.
  6. So you are essentially always on vacation?
  7. Is it time yet? Good God, it is Fox new, but still...
  8. It is BYOP, that is supposed to be understood by anyone that knows what they are doing.
  9. See, that is a good post. A bit of a slam, but done with facts. I have enough respect for your acumen to not even check the figures. The question, can you maintain that posting style when the fur starts flying?
  10. Someone grab the torches, I have the tar and feathers stored up.
  11. He also said it was about the underbelly of the LA society and said it had to do with the music industry. The steely knives reference was to Steely Dan. Still, means nothing as, I took my own meaning from the song.
  12. I wasn't referring to the botched copy/paste. What have you and I argued over mainly? I am from the deep south if that helps.
  13. I figured. I should point out that we all have our preconceived notions. Sometimes, it is really hard to break free of them. You wouldn't know what I am talking about of course.
  14. This will seem an odd entry, Hotel California. It meant something to me other than what they intended.
  15. It may take you a while to notice a difference.
  16. I don't think you will get a response. At least, not for a while...
  17. One could argue it is not even news when an anti-gay conservative Christian comes out of the closet...
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