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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. That rang a bell. http://www.knightstemplar.org/articles/1007/elway.pdf
  2. Movie with her in it, says no sex or nudity, but raunchy (and bad in the 1st couple of minutes).
  3. You should "workout". Relieve some of that stress.
  4. Try swimming, worked wonders for me.
  5. Ah, locker room issues is a valid point, but frankly I could care less if Edwards gets his ego bruised. IMO he needs to man up this season, no matter the distractions, if he wants to be our starter. Brohm should care less, he was on a practice squad last season. Yes, he has sucked in the NFL. I completely agree. His upside though, if he can become merely adequate at passing the football (something we do not have atm at QB), he brings a huge asset to the Offense.
  6. Where is the downside? The upside is huge. I seriously doubt it would work out, but why not give it a shot? We aren't going to contend for a Super Bowl this year no matter what.
  7. If he doesn't get his **** together rapidly, show some sign of promise, then cut him. If he shows any potential, dump Fitz. I would rather have a potential starter on the roster (even one who is quite frankly terrible to date) than a guy we know is at best a #2. Russell actually scored a 24 on the wonderlic, so he isn't a complete idiot. Is it likely he will develop? No. Worth taking a shot? Yes IMO.
  8. Oops, with that said, why the hell not?
  9. Multiple wrongs don't make a right and while I can appreciate your thought, you are massively wrong IMO.
  10. Hmm valid point, still it seems counterproductive.
  11. At what point did I imply BP has nukes lying around? Obviously the nuke would come from the government. I never implied it was magic; big-ass explosion is exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to know the ramifications of said big-ass explosion. The Russians did use this technique successfully (against different types of wells), so this isn't exactly pure rampant speculation. Admittedly, it is close. If you prefer we can quibble over Obama and his policies. Perhaps call one another various derogatory names. Oh and hopefully this is all theoretical, this last attempt to draw off most of the oil seems promising.
  12. I am sure there is a valid reason they haven't shut it down this way. BP is losing a fair amount of money in publicity alone. The wave action seems the best bet upon reflection. Keep in mind, we are talking a very small nuke if you ever find the book. Thanks again.
  13. Link Hmm Anyone with any experience? Can we get a Bills version?
  14. Read another story that said the sharks were eight foot long. Fear the Octopus.
  15. Partisan hack, this is a neocon's dream. "Nuke em, it is the only way to be sure."
  16. Thanks. Those seem valid points you raise, I didn't think of the wave action that would generate. I assume it would be modest really, maybe an extra foot or so when it hits the booms some 50 miles away. Or would it be more than that? Your best guess of course.
  17. immunity clause? immunity clause?? There is no immunity clause in last post wins, you are out B word.
  18. If you disqualify someone, you are automatically disqualified. So you are out and I
  19. Victim in quotes? Whatever your take, or even hers is, she was an actual victim. The <insert heinous name> should have served decades at the very least.
  20. I should direct him here, that would be an epic thread that is a win/win for me. In any case, a suit case nuke is worse than 4 million+ (is it me or is that figure stuck there?) gallons of oil? If you say yes for now, I buy it, but what about 2 months from now?
  21. What, with the prestige of winning this, you find him shallow?
  22. Only he blamed the government, his own even, for this as well. Trying to absolve the corporations of blame in this by pointing the finger at Obama is equally ludicrous as his actually absolving himself of blame in other areas by pointing to Bush.
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