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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I always liked your posts, no longer. Now that I know you are black that changes everything. /many posters.
  2. I will give that one a pass, you can continue your one lucky strike in 21k posts.
  3. Or this guy. Those eight pounds are all the difference you know.
  4. Got an answer on how BP will fix all of this yet?
  5. Water, lots and lots of water. I drink at least 16 oz before I switch to Diet Coke for caffeine.
  6. Rich after seeing the regional manager.
  7. I withdraw my comment about Jim being racist. We hashed things out in PMs. I completely admit I said that in an attempt to mess with his head. I have never seen a post in which he was racist.
  8. I will take this up tomorrow. You are a moron and a racist. You decided to make this personal. Let me ask you this, how do you feel about blacks?
  9. Really? God your a moron, how did you bring Barney fife into it?
  10. Damn, slow and stupid, horrible combo Jim. Any day now, you have been replying for over 10 minutes.
  11. Oh wow you broke me down. Did you happen to catch the fact I just busted Tom out on one of his own comments? I seriously doubt he considers me a fan. Since I know how I feel, the rest of your **** falls apart. On the other hand, you are still probably racist. Your posts speak for themselves. Waging? Did I mention what a bad typist you are? I assume those lessons went poorly.
  12. Who said I was enlightened? God, you really are bad at this. I assume it is your time of the month?
  13. I have made an effort to be nice lately. However, if people want to dog my ass out over something Tom said, then I will defend myself. I don't really care, more the principle of the matter. Flame war on for anyone that wants it.
  14. Are you any good at this? I said you were a B word and you immediately say you are a woman? Damn, this won't last long, but I am sure you are used to that issue.
  15. You know, maybe Simon was right about you too.
  16. Master of Magic was better, but yes, one more turn applied to both games. Good times.
  17. Because gay is most likely a condition they are born with. It is like disapproving of your child because they have a disease. Not that being gay is a disease, but it does seem likely it is genetic. I won't argue, I simply accept the fact you are a bigot. I am sorry to hear that.
  18. Cute, have you recovered from the realization that everyone other than the other right wing partisan hacks consider you a right wing partisan hack? As I recall, you got all butt hurt when Simon pointed it out. I have an idea, try not being a partisan hack.
  19. That is truly sad brother.
  20. Of course you know, this means war!
  21. 10s of millions brought down the US economy. Epic.
  22. You truly are a moron. I had hoped you were a troll, but it seems you genuinely believe what you espouse. Pity.
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