Actually, I think the people who do this (ride unemployment) are piss-poor stupid. There are people (tons) who cannot legitimately find a job. Probably the majority of the unemployed (say 80-90% at a bald ass guess). That 10-20% that are just lounging are sacrificing earnings (see below) and future career advancement. As to advancement, well hard to advance sitting on the couch. I know that a two year gap in employment for an average earner would turn me off (I have some say in who gets hired, as I have to train them). So at least in my case, it would make them less likely to be hired depending on their skills.
While I was looking for the percentage paid out for unemployment (never took it, even when I was fired one time due to a broken leg), I stumbled across this.
Please, someone tell me I am reading this wrong and that shot I just took is messing with my head. If that ratio is correct, then that makes insurance companies positively awesome. 4 to 1 admin to benefit ratio? Maybe it is just a bad site?