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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. That has to suck during hurricane season. Seriously, how do they deal with that?
  2. Actually, I think the people who do this (ride unemployment) are piss-poor stupid. There are people (tons) who cannot legitimately find a job. Probably the majority of the unemployed (say 80-90% at a bald ass guess). That 10-20% that are just lounging are sacrificing earnings (see below) and future career advancement. As to advancement, well hard to advance sitting on the couch. I know that a two year gap in employment for an average earner would turn me off (I have some say in who gets hired, as I have to train them). So at least in my case, it would make them less likely to be hired depending on their skills. While I was looking for the percentage paid out for unemployment (never took it, even when I was fired one time due to a broken leg), I stumbled across this. Please, someone tell me I am reading this wrong and that shot I just took is messing with my head. If that ratio is correct, then that makes insurance companies positively awesome. 4 to 1 admin to benefit ratio? Maybe it is just a bad site? Link
  3. Wow, stooping to taking taking comments from the links? Bad crayonz.
  4. Congrats to the both of you.
  5. RIP Gary A sad story all the way around.
  6. Ya know, if I had known Congress was going to extend unemployment so long, I would have gotten fired a couple of years ago...
  7. Pretty sure it is way too late to burn it off. Everything I read said we missed that chance early on. I suppose if the attempt to cap it fails, we could do all the new oil coming to the surface.
  8. Brainy Quote says Einstein. No reference though. Wiki Answers says Rita Mae Brown in her book Sudden Death.
  9. Are you a quarterback? Pass the !@#$ing football! Note: This could get ugly with the nuclear passcodes.
  10. I assume you caught on he is !@#$ing with you guys.
  11. Completely kidding, my son is 14 and I would consider him a competent user, unlike many of my co-workers , but he hasn't surpassed me...yet. I am sure there are kids out there that are capable of what Fez described. I doubt most would even think of Googling "work around keystroke logger" though.
  12. When you keep throwing that 96% figure around, is this what you are mean?
  13. Reminds me of my casino days, "Loosest Slots in Town" was used a lot as a slogan. I always asked the cocktails, "You going to let them talk about you that way?"
  14. Please, my son is pretty savvy, met all his friends and they know some stuff. But genius hackers, not yet. Hmm, what is this in the DVD tray? <yell>"Matthew"</yell>
  15. Agreed, preferably with a condescending insult about his wife.
  16. Especially if he is going to be playing MMOs.
  17. The Gulf Oil Spill Information Portal Seems to be a decent site. Surprising that BP doesn't have their link covered with ads....
  18. You are telling me. Beerball owes my company a monitor. I told our lawyer, "Good luck with that. That guy is a total tightwad."
  19. Hey, there is an upside! Might as well post this here. Scientists: Gulf oil spill surpasses Exxon Valdez But the good news is all that oil and dispersant mixed together came from the Earth.
  20. All three of them? What a horrible, tragic story.
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