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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Don't be ridiculous, it at most 95%.
  2. I am mostly in agreement with you, but what happens when they live longer?
  3. Seriously, it seems to have impacted you years later. I am sorry. My last post on it unless you ask me to, but I feel bad and I apologize. I won't even quote anything of yours and reply to it if you want, all up to you. Take care brother.
  4. Since I hurt your feelings so bad, I promise not to interact with you anymore. You have my apologies.
  5. I did not vote for Obama, and I want someone fiscally conservative.
  6. No, you trolled a thread about college kids misbehaving. You had also trolled several threads about cops misbehaving. You refused to debate me after I asked you to. So I PMed you to piss you off and you fell for it. I admitted that in the "Hey Chef" thread. I trolled you, because I know you are a troll. It really is that simple.
  7. I expected it to throw you off your game?
  8. Then bring up a point you fricking conservative hack.
  9. Then I am completely sorry for calling you a waste of skin. It clearly affected you more than I intended and I apologize.
  10. Link Or not Personally, he lost all approval when he suggested that we create Destroyers to park off Iran. When asked if they would be attacked, he seemed eager for it. Bye Cain. Could the Republicans please put up someone decent? !@#$, I guess I need to root for Newt.
  11. Periodically as defined 16 hours a day?
  12. Wow, neither of you types well at the very least. If stuff like that should not bother you, then why did a simple PM calling you a waste of skin do so? Awesome, hypocrite. What is your point newbie?
  13. That is not my take and never has been. Might as well say family is fair game. So I can say really vile stuff about you wife and mom? You do not have kids, but if you did it is all cool to say your daughter is a whore and puts out before the school bus picks her up according to you? Oh, providing that I do not know her? If I do, only then is it off limits. That is crazy talk, family is off limits period IMO. Define it then you whiny B word. What have I said that you take such exception with.
  14. Umm no. See if he denies it you moron.
  15. Prove your point. If you have one that is. Is family off limits? Did I initially support Chef when he insulted someone's family? To?
  16. I mistook him for another poster who was much like yourself. Contrary to PPP standards, I acknowledged my mistake and apologized, The whiny B word has been so offended by being called a racist that he continues to bring it up to this day. Methinks he protests too much. Oh and you are the resident racist, so do not get jealous.
  17. Then as usual, you would be wrong. Edit-Congrats on spelling several big words correctly.
  18. You cannot spell, debate, quote or in any way function on this message board. You are still whining about something I apologized for years ago, so freakly (love this word) you are a loser.
  19. How so, I got what I wanted. You finally admitted that the cops were wrong. Oh and Jim you are so stupid you cannot even quote people.
  20. I see, so I am to accept that you are just !@#$ing with people and it is an act. I tell you that you are a waste of skin and I am out the box. Obsess much? Stick with the small easily spelled words.
  21. I don't get mad; as I just did that to !@#$ with you. I explained this earlier. A long time ago I just gave up on rational debate and just started !@#$ing with people. You admitted as much yourself.
  22. Just to aggravate you. You say silly stuff when mad.
  23. As a guess, you have been IP banned.
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