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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I am not cool with Just Jack threatening to ban me publically for PMing you are an asshat or whatever. You call me a member of MAMBLA several times and just get a warning. I am cool with that, btw as I said I did not want you banned. But then Jack feels the need to chastise me publically for the first warning I have ever received. It is a good thing for me though (work wise), so I am cool with it.
  2. Anything else? That pretty much applies to any of my critics. Speak in the next day or so if you want a response.
  3. That is not from this weekend and you are clearly one of the ones I used it on.
  4. Well it sent the few of them ballistic to the extent they still whine.
  5. Let's ask Beerball to reinstate the posts then. Surely that will prove your point. Deal?
  6. Because you can say things that would open you up to ridicule here. If you brag that so and so is your B word here, 12 guys will pop off how egotistical you are. It is a statement that is obviously meant to enrage. Oh, and I think I have used it on 4 people. You, and a few others. It used to work on you, and worked on 3rdlng to the extent he was calling me a member of MAMBLA <sic>. I called you a waste of skin and that was the worst thing ever. I am accused of wanting to molest children and that is cool. He gets warned by PM and I am called out publicly for calling a guy a bastard via PM after implying I molest children. Fair enough. BTW my hiatus will begin when everyone stops asking me questions essentially. Post your denigration of me and say you do not need a response and I will not.
  7. Nah, I am sad about the Bills at the moment anyway. I am so depressed about them as a team due to the GW thing. I need to be focusing on my new business for a bit anyway. That makes you the 3rd or 4th I have done so to, so guess when we are arguing in PPP, trying to mess with someone's head via PM is out of bounds. That is all it was, I was trying to make you angry, so you would say stupid stuff. I haven't pmed you since you said not to do so, and I sent a grand total of four. Worst thing I said was you were a bastard for calling me a pedophile. Feel free to publish the PMs. You called me far worse in the thread. Edit - Oh and I am not blaming you for me taking a hiatus.
  8. Well, as soon as 3rdnlng reads this, I am gone. So take care all.
  9. Hmm calling me a pedophile is cool by you, but me calling him a loser is out of bounds. Typical.
  10. Umm the birth control pill is used for other things than birth control, which was her whole point. I grant you she is a plant.
  11. Wow, that had to hurt. Well not the Aohell loss, they are still around? Why?
  12. You go Adam, express your opinion.
  13. Cut him some slack, he has been taking a stand lately.
  14. Wow, you are bad at this. I will just add this, try to follow the thread. Make your comments relevant. You have issues with that, clue #1: the topic I was addressing was overall taxation.
  15. You really make the Republican party look bad.
  16. You have a real hard time following threads. Just saying.
  17. Heard of other taxes idiot? There is more than income taxes. Gas tax for a start.
  18. So poor pay no tax? Is that what you meant? I would explain, but you are such a tool you will ignore it. You know what I meant. Feel free to be a tool and ignore the facts.
  19. So you want to shoot me in the head? Very telling.
  20. You said, "or a country where fully 50% of its citizens not only are dependent on the government in some financial way or another, but more than 53% don't even have to pay INTO the government" Care to defend that? Oh you cannot as you are referring to income tax. Loser.
  21. Yeah, you know Adam might be middle of the road, but at least he is not a troll like you and I.
  22. Liar, you are referring to income tax.
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