Exactly. If they don’t win this year, the entire regime running this draft in Chicago won’t be making the picks next year. They almost got fired this year.
I agree, but I do know that Shakir's advanced stats tell me he should get a lot more production with more targets. I'm sure the Bills see those same stats.
They are just following draft value. It's why I REALLY didn't want to trade Diggs and "replace him in the draft." It didn't fall that way, which was entirely expected.
That guy with the beard and the orange afro wig they just showed on ESPN? He stood right next to my son and I at the Thursday night game this year. He is actually a pretty good guy.
Bengals took the character problem WR. What a surprise. I mean, they just got rid of Joe Mixon so they had a dirth of a-holes in the locker room. And the pick being made by TJ Houshmenzada? That's the cherry on the top of the tiger 💩 sundae.
There has been a lot of talk that the lower rounds of this draft is full of non-NFL players due to NIL and the COVID bonus year. I think that 5th rounders are pretty much worthless this year.