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Low Positive

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Everything posted by Low Positive

  1. The same thing that Vince Lombardi would do, lose. Luckily, the Bills don't have the worst roster in football. That honor belongs to the the Detroit Lions. Hey look at that, it can always be worse.
  2. Well then call me an idiot. I'm not thrilled, but he has had some good seasons as OC and HC. Now, Cam Cameron would have made be really angry. But this has me more confused than anything.
  3. We would have to wait a week or three and the negative press from that would kill Russ.
  4. Every city has the disgruntled sports columnist. You should read Bob Kravitz's columns about the Colts in the Indianapolis Star. You would think that they were having a losing season. And when these guys get an actual losing team, they go to town. One time Kravitz actually admitted that he does not really watch pacers' games, but he still uses them as fodder for his columns all the time. The point is that his job is not to report, but rather to stir the pot. And the Bills pot right now is ripe for Sullivan's stirring. It almost stirs itself.
  5. I think that the closest corollary to this situation (or at least the closest one that I can I think of) is Rick Pitino. After failure at the Knicks, goes on to UK where he has one of the best college jobs in the country. Then, gets the call from the Celtics and takes the job. All he did was to reconfirm the fact that he was a terrible NBA coach/GM. So you don't even have to speculate about him pulling a Calipari, ego would be enough to explain the move.
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