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Low Positive

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Everything posted by Low Positive

  1. I think people in here haven’t watched the Steelers play this year. I have. Their one win required a blocked extra point, mostly caused by an injury to the Bengals long snapper. Then they lost to the Pats, Browns and Jets. They could win on Sunday because they are an NFL team and “any given Sunday,” but that line is appropriate. Also, Steeler Nation is HUGE, and a big line like that will cause a bunch of them to bet the Steelers even though the Steelers have a really hard time scoring against bad defenses. I don’t hold Mitch completely at fault. The Steelers OL is so bad that it makes the current Bills like look like the 80’s Hogs.
  2. Watching your team get run on is worse than getting thrown on as a fan.
  3. Isaiah McKenzie had a first but ran backward. Drives me nuts.
  4. That game also featured a lot of empty seats. Bills fans in the 80s didn’t pay to watch bad football.
  5. I was at Kay Stevenson’s last game as Bills head coach as a kid. It was against the Vikings. Bills fans had bags over their heads.
  6. I don’t want to keep repeating this, but you really have to watch that Tom Rinaldi piece on Tua and his father that aired during the pre-game of the NCG against LSU. There is no way that his psychopath father considers a head injury a reason to leave a game. I mean, Tua got beaten with a belt until his body was covered in welts if he threw INTs in high school games. This was to “toughen him up.” Tua still lives with his parents who travel to road games. His father went to the hospital in Cincinnati and low and behold he left the hospital. Probably AMA. If I was a betting man, I would put big money on Tua playing against the Jets.
  7. You’re assuming that it wasn’t Tua that initiated all of this. I think he faked his way through a concussion evaluation to return to the game.
  8. Unless the NFL steps in for PR reasons, Tua will play next Sunday.
  9. You are probably right, but I base that upon the accuracy and touch he demonstrates in short to medium passes in the NFL. If you do that well, you can soften up a defense for deep shots. It's what Brady has done for decades. That said, I don't care what he did in college. Devonta Smith made Mac Jones look like he has elite arm talent. Alabama's receivers are so much faster than college DBs that all the QBs have to do is get it there.
  10. In all seriousness, they will probably wait until the bye week so that it gets full attention.
  11. And on a probably loud team plane.
  12. They're still not treating this seriously. Here is a quote from a concussion information sheet: "Limit activities that require a lot of thinking or concentration (including social activities, homework, video games, texting, computer, driving, job-related activities, movies, parties). These activities can slow the brain's recovery."
  13. Everything that comes out of this man's mouth on this is the wrong thing. When my daughter got a concussion, she was told to not look at screens. The doctor said that "the brain needs to rest to heal."
  14. Careful with all that roughhousing with QB1 boys.
  15. Yes, The Bills are cautious with injuries. It's one of the reasons that guys want to play in Buffalo.
  16. Normal jerseys is a huge deal.
  17. He'll also die on the "Tim Tebow would have been a HoF QB if not for reasons" hill.
  18. My final thoughts on this are that in the end I don't really care. That Rinaldi piece from 3+ years ago has stuck with me. If Tua wants to put his future at risk so as not to appear weak in front of his father, that's his decision. The Dolphins and the NFL should have intervened, but they didn't. I'm just happy that the Bills coaches, front office, and medical staff wouldn't do this. They treat injuries seriously. From all available evidence, if the Bills behaved like the Dolphins, Dane Jackson would have played in Miami on Sunday as would Ed Oliver and Mitch Morse.
  19. I think another factor is that in hockey, you don't see the hit coming a lot of the times. Also, a lot of the hits are a head bouncing off the glass. You'd like to think so.
  20. That's because Tua said it was his back. By the time he got to the locker room, he had knocked the cobwebs out and could pass the baseline testing. No doctor can look inside a patient's head on the spot and see a concussion. They have to have the cooperation of the patient. McDaniel is really awkward and tone deaf, but we all know what he meant.
  21. I don't know that you can stop QBs from getting hit in the pocket. They get hit after they throw all the time.
  22. If it is anything like OHSAA concussion protocol, return to play can be as soon at 5 days after symptoms completely disappear. In the beginnign of the process, they pull them out of school to let their brain's rest. After symptoms, there are 5 steps (i'm summarizing this from the paper I got 3 weeks ago): Light physical activity (light jogging, lightly riding an exercise bike, etc...) Moderate activity (Sprinting, riding faster, etc...) Heavy, non-contact activity (like practicing in a red jersey) Full-contact practice Return to game play. Again, athletes can lie about mild symptoms because you can't see a headache so they mostly return before they should. Here is a link to that sheet: https://odh.ohio.gov/wps/wcm/connect/gov/8d4a8d94-eaf0-4359-81d2-4fdd49e83b9c/ODH+Concussion+Information+Sheet+for+Youth+Sports+Organizations.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_M1HGGIK0N0JO00QO9DDDDM3000-8d4a8d94-eaf0-4359-81d2-4fdd49e83b9c-mXrHfJA
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