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Low Positive

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Everything posted by Low Positive

  1. That just looks like coaching to me. He saw that they were not taking a drill seriously enough and told them this in an animated way. Then he stuck around, watched them run it some more, was pleased with the results and told them so. My kids soccer coaches would have done the same thing, albeit without the profanity.
  2. That part of NYS tends to be an extension of NYC in its sports fandom. Met Life is closer by an hour and the Giants used to have their training camp in Albany. This map is a bit old, but it gives you an idea of the limited geographical reach of Bills Mafia. https://www.google.com/amp/s/matadornetwork.com/read/mapped-where-to-find-fans-of-your-nfl-team-across-the-us/amp/
  3. Arizona is a big mess and they just spent a crap ton of money to Sam Bradford to start for a last place team. The Giants have a good defense but their line is as bad as ours. The Lions are also very bad; they gave up 48 points to the Jets at home. I’m not saying that we are not awful, but we have competition for the #1 pick.
  4. This is a move that a team makes when they are contending to address a weakness. We are not close to contending.
  5. I think that the hardest part about being a sports fan is that you care passionately about something over which you have no control. People deal with that in different ways.
  6. For those of us that don't live in WNY, this year is especially hard because you have to take so much from fans of the local team. I can't wait for the Bengals to lose two in a row so that things can return to normal around here. But what I don't get is how my being angry and not "drinking the cool-aid" is going to change anything. I keep hoping that Beene is some sort of genius because if the negative posters here are correct then we are screwed for a decade. Regardless of what anyone says, you cannot keep firing coaches and GMs so we have to keep these guys until at least 2020. I hated the Rex hiring but I wish he was still the coach. Not because he was a better coach than McD, but because an organization needs to build some stability. And FWIW, Preston Brown has been the most interviewed Bengal in the early season. Every time I turn on local sports talk (if you think WGR is bad, try ESPN 1360 in Cincinnati), Preston is getting interviewed. He's a local kid (Northwest Highschool) returning home and Dave Lapham (Cincinnati's color guy and a bigger homer than Hawk Harrelson) just keeps asking him about his childhood fandom how he felt when this or that bad thing happened to the Bengals. And Preston feels the need to keep proving his loyalty to his new team by telling everyone far and wide how happy he is to be "home." Of course he's going to be asked about this happening on his former team and he chose to use it as another example of why he's happy to be playing for the Bengals, a team with an owner so cheap that he refuses to hire a GM or any other player personnel staffers.
  7. The problem is that offensive line play is the weakness of many NFL teams and good offensive linemen are pretty rare. A compounding problem is that due to the proliferation of spread offenses, college offensive linemen are becoming harder to evaluate because they are rarely asked to hold a block.
  8. The man is from Iowa. They take bathe in ranch dressing there...
  9. I don’t disagree in principle, but this draft is a weak QB draft. If the Bills get the #1 a QB would be a criminal reach.
  10. The kid could be a bust, but his attitude is too good for him to be Ryan Leaf and his work ethic is to good for him to be Jamarcus Russell. Most guys bust because of a combination of an entitled attitude and a lack of skills. There are of course exceptions, including a few recent ones for the Bills but I expect Josh Allen to take the opportunity that he has been given and to run with it.
  11. Then good thing that we held on to our #1 for next year. It could be a high pick.
  12. My wife works tonight (nurse), but my kids have practice from 7-8:30. I’m thinking about dropping them off early and coming home to watch and then going back out to get them. But knowing my luck, the Bills pick will happen when I am going back to get them.
  13. My mom talks about going to UB faculty parties in the early 80s where the coke was right next to the wine and cheese. So not only did Dan Marino do coke, but his professors probably did too.
  14. I’m usually one to get mad at this type of thing, but there is nothing to any of these tweets. He uses the n-word the way it is used is the popular music of our time. White kids should not do this, but they do all the time. And the other thing is clearly a joke in response to another joke. I for one don’t believe that if he were a racist that it would be his business. I don’t want racists on the team, just like I don’t want domestic abusers. But Josh Allen does not reveal himself a racist in those tweets, only a 21st century teenager who didn’t consider himself an NFL prospect at the time. All that being said, I hope that the Bills don’t draft Paxton Lynch 2.0.
  15. Someone on Twitter pointed out that his high school team was the cavaliers.
  16. Leper Messiah for any QB drafted by the Bills
  17. Baker mayfield will use Big Pimpin’ and do the crotch grab at the comish.
  18. Since NBA playoff games take 2-2.5 hours, this makes a lot of sense.
  19. I think that the Browns are not tipping their #1 pick like teams in the past have because they are in the unique situation of also having the #4 pick. That means that they need to play the game.
  20. I think that having "no trade" mocks is meaningless because history tells us that there will be trades. The Bills might now make one, but some team will and throw everything off.
  21. The Bengals only had one full-time scout and three "scouting consultants" in 2011 (I checked Internet Archive). And remember, they have no GM. So who the hell knows who made that pick. And Locker, Gabbert and Ponder were all long gone by the time the Bengals picked Andy Dalton at 35th (Rd. 2). So I could argue that other teams saved Mike Brown from himself. I don't care how Kiper's mocks compare to the actual draft but I would be interested to know how well he evaluates players compared to NFL GMs. What I would want to do is to take a team (lets say the Bills) and for a period of 10 years (2005-2015) compare their actual draft performance to how they would have performed if they had selected Kiper's "best available" every time they picked.
  22. Mike Brown is so cheap that he used to use Kiper's big board in place of a scouting department. That sound like a yo mama joke, but it is the truth.
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