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Low Positive

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Everything posted by Low Positive

  1. People react to the draft like we're picking teams in dodgeball. We already had a really stacked roster.
  2. I really think that its because they rank the players against each other, and they were looking for someone who at least has upside that might turn into a starting NFL QB. The upshot is that there are no NFL starters at the QB position in this draft. Pickett is at least NFL ready. Let's put it this way; if Josh Rosen was in this draft he would have gone #1 overall.
  3. Both professional and amateur draftniks all make a common mistake; the rank the players against each other. So, they give positional grades based upon that particular draft class. It becomes really important who is the best WR or RB or CB in that draft. But as soon as a guy is drafted, that becomes irrelevant. All that matters is how a player ranks against all the other dudes at that position on the team they go to and all the other players in the league. I would argue that this is a weak draft. The Jets are adding some of the best players from a weak draft and we added a bunch of dudes that we already know can play in this league including Von f***ing Miller.
  4. From what I understand, he doesn't want to be used as a running back. That's because RBs don't get paid as much as WRs and their careers are a lot shorter.
  5. Victor Matheson has made an entire academic career on the argument that sports are bad for local economies. All sports. The Olympics are a bad deal for host nations. World Cups are bad for the host. Superbowls are a bad for the local economy. All sports stadiums are a bad deal. It's not like he just came up with this argument for this case; he's the first call for any journalist when a new stadium deal is announced. For an economist at Holy Cross, he gets on TV a lot. My counterargument is that there are a lot of things that have a poor ROI (like public education) from a dollars and cents standpoint but are essential for the quality of life in a community. FWIW, here is his Google Scholar list of published works: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C36&q=Victor+Matheson&btnG=
  6. My least favorite is "complementary football." Why do we need a term for "everyone should play well?"
  7. The Bengals stadium lease expires in 2026.
  8. The hostile media effect is a perceptual theory of mass communication that refers to the tendency for individuals with a strong preexisting attitude on an issue to perceive media coverage as biased against their side and in favor of their antagonists' point of view. Partisans from opposite sides of an issue will tend to find the same coverage to be biased against them.
  9. The Bills posted that on April 1st.
  10. I think that the same could be said about a lot of players, but that's why you hire an agent.
  11. I didn't know that rule. It's interesting because there is no way that Mike Brown is putting $200 million in an escrow account because he doesn't have it.
  12. I can't understand why Brady would want to do this. The only reason that I can think of is that he wants to beat the Pats twice next year.
  13. It's all about timing. I guarantee that Washington would rather have Mayfield than Wentz, but they already made their move.
  14. It's because they signed La'el Collins during that hour. And this is yet another reminder that the defending AFC champions still don't have a practice/training facility.
  15. He's not a free agent. He is signed for over 18 million for next year because the Browns exercised an option last spring.
  16. We're a long way from the "cash to the cap" days.
  17. This is your daily reminder that NFL contracts are not guaranteed.
  18. That Betamax has a much better picture than VHS, or so I was told by everyone who ever bought one. Beta was the Cross Fit of the 80's.
  19. The Vikings were supposed to be really good that year.
  20. We used to be like that too. In the mid 80’s, Rich Stadium was empty. Even during the SB years, some local company had to buy up extra tickets to lift blackouts so we could watch home games on TV. It’s only since about 2000 or so that the Bills fans started attending in large numbers in down years.
  21. 1. I was born a Bills fan in 1973 2. My earliest memory of a specific game was listening to the Bills lose to the Pats on the radio in my mom's car driving back to Buffalo from my grandma's house in Rochester on 1/2/83. Another early memory is being in Rich on 9/29/85, with the sparse crowd singing "Goodbye Kay" at Kay Stephenson as the Bills lost to the Vikings. 3. My favorite memory is sitting in my mom's living room watching the Bills destroy the Raiders 51-3. It just seemed unreal to me that the Bills, who had back to back 2-14 seasons in recent memory, would be playing in the Super Bowl. Then watching the NFCCG to see who we would play. I rooted hard for the Giants because I didn't want to see Montana. Little did I know what heartbreak laid just one week in the future. That, BTW, is my worst Bills memory. 4. Talley/Josh. By this time next year, it will probably be Josh/Josh. 5. I was just surprised that it wasn't taken on a Buffalo sports message board. Funny Sabres story: I was in the Aud during a game when the Sabres were eliminated from the Playoffs. I want to say 4/1/86 against the Hartford Whalers. I could be totally wrong about the year and the game. But as the game wound down, the crowd started chanting "Oh, Ah, Sabres on the golfcourse."
  22. There may be a sliver of truth to that. I saw Mahones arguing with someone going up the tunnel at halftime. It was a coach that I now realize was Bieniemy. Also, he did squeeze his helmet a lot in the second half. And we all saw Hill and Hardman arguing on the sidelines during the 3rd quarter because Romo pointed it out. My takeaway was that the Chiefs are a team with a lot of big personalities who point fingers when things go south. If they did indeed fall apart, why couldn’t it have happened a week earlier?
  23. Exactly. The Bengals were handed the ball down 3 with almost two minutes left with 3 TOs and couldn't drive into field goal range.
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