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Low Positive

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Everything posted by Low Positive

  1. Nice to see Tre's snap count up. He should be a full go from here on out.
  2. Maybe not exciting, but it was a beautiful domination. I'll take that every day for Bills games.
  3. I said this upthread, but I'll say it again. Beating the Patriots in Foxboro will never get old. And to paraphrase the great Boston sports legend Danny Ainge, "Tom Brady is not walking through that door."
  4. They did a great job at that, and the Pats D is actually pretty good.
  5. That was my prison wife. No, he's just like my wife in that he refuses to go down.
  6. If we lose this game, it will be because of the holding call on Sweeney.
  7. Oh, I thought it would be like college head coaches who have to leave as soon as they get a new job. I always hate how they abandon the kids they demanded loyalty and respect from to be coached by an assistant in a bowl game. It especially sucked when Brian Kelly left UC for ND and the Bearcats were coached by an interim in the Sugar Bowl.
  8. It would really suck to have to play out the remainder of the season without a QB coach.
  9. There has to be more to this. It’s probably disciplinary. He might have missed a practice or slept through a team meeting.
  10. We ran it a lot against the Browns. 29 for 172, so he will run the ball if the situation and opponent calls for it. But I do think that the Pats run D is a lot better than the Browns.
  11. Probably was late for a team meeting or something like that. Or, they plan on playing Rhodes a bunch. I also think that they won't play nearly as much nickel tonight and will sell out to stop the run. I expect blitzes coming from everywhere.
  12. I doubt they would sign him. They would elevate him for a game to see what he has left in the tank if he has looked good in practice. Then if he contributes, they would sign him.
  13. I'm not sure that's true. The Burfect hit happened in 2016. The first crazy thing that I remember Brown doing was the Facebook Livestream from the locker room after a loss. That was in 2017.
  14. Von obviously was willing to give it a go but the Bills shut him down. This team's refusal to let guys not named Josh Allen go out there and play through injury baffles me. If they are "saving him for the playoffs," they are really misguided. If the Bills lose these next three games they won't make the playoffs. The Bills only have one easy(ish) game left on the schedule. I don't know why this is the news that has finally pushed me into the doom and gloom mood but it has. It feels like, yet again, this is not going to be the Bills year.
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