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Low Positive

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Everything posted by Low Positive

  1. For those imaging some exotic game plan from the Fins I have one question. Why didn’t they do it last week? That was as much of a must win game for them as this one and they were not able to get the ball to Waddle or Hill for big plays. If they lost to the Jets, their coach who calls the plays probably get fired. You would think that they would have pulled out all the stops then.
  2. Much harder to get a ticket for the game in Cincinnati and the weather is the same. I don’t get it.
  3. People are just pissed that the 49ers threw a dart blindfolded and hit a bullseye. We had to wait 20 years, trade up and then develop our QB.
  4. Exactly. Up 20 points with a dynamic running back and Lombardi abandons the run. Punting from the opponent’s 38? I think people overestimate the impact of coaching in wins and losses, but in this case Staley and Lombardi lost the game on the drive right before Pedersen won it.
  5. I’m really kicking myself this morning. I don’t gamble because I don’t need another vice. But I was so sure that the Jags were going to win after they scored that TD late in the second that I downloaded fan duel and was about to place a HT $50 bet on the Jags money line. It was +2400. I stopped myself. I could be $1,200 richer this morning.
  6. Brock Purdy was a 4 year starter at a major college program. In his sophomore year, he threw for almost 4,000 yards. Yes, I had to look this up. https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/brock-purdy-1.html
  7. Here’s a game for ya. Brock Purdy vs Skylar Thompson in 2021. Breece Hall had almost 200 yards rushing. https://www.google.com/search?q=iowa+state+vs+kansas+state+2021&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS959US960&hl=en-US&ei=mQbEY52DK5uoqtsPkZOV-A0&oq=iowa.ststr+kansas+state+2021&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yCAgAEAgQHhANMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBwghEKABEAoyCgghEBYQHhAdEAoyDQghEBYQHhDxBBAdEAo6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6AggpOgYIABAeEA1KBAhBGABKBQhAEgExSgUIQBIBMVCJCVicE2CLJGgBcAB4AIABmAGIAfIBkgEDMS4xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#sie=m;/g/11q1vpkqvr;6;/m/012hfxch;tb1;fp;1;;;
  8. The play calling in the Jags first drive of the second half was a master class in getting your QB into a rhythm. It was a 17 play 89 yard drive that consisted of runs. screen passes and short passes with YAC. Really put Lawrence in a place where he could succeed after a really rough start to the game.
  9. I’m looking at the drive-by-drive breakdown on NFL.com. Sometimes you can see things by reading that you miss while watching. This game flipped on the first drives of the second half and it was, to a large degree, coaching. Staley, the king of going for it on 4th down, punted on the first possession of the 2nd half from the Jax 38. That was after 3 straight incompletions. The Chargers were up 20, have a dynamic running back, and abandoned the run. The. ensuing drive was a 17 play 7 minute drive that resulted in the Jags second TD. The play calling was great. It was all runs and short passes to get Lawrence’s confidence back. All the big plays were YAC.
  10. Baseball players, when they’re in a slump, try to score with the ugliest woman they can find. It’s called a slump buster.
  11. Wow. Just wow. It’s like the clock has just struck midnight for the Jags.
  12. Because this game is on NBC, not Prime. Al Michaels was retained on an emeritus basis by NBC so he could call a playoff game. I had to look this up.
  13. I don’t have a problem with that. The Jags look lifeless and need something to pump them up.
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