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Low Positive

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Everything posted by Low Positive

  1. They didn't trade him. He was a FA.
  2. It's not just that. Washington needs some better dudes on defense.
  3. Not good. They have been winning with turnovers and a lot of offense.
  4. Especially in the second half, when Summerall was well into a bottle of bourbon.
  5. It has become conventional wisdom amongst NFL GMs and most fans to "never pay RBs." But there are some exceptions to that rule.
  6. Washington's D is not good. They had better score TDs from here on out or this could get ugly.
  7. Chiefs : 37 Bills: 17 Not for any logical foot ball reasons. Just because good things are not happening for me right now. If they lose, it will be all my fault.
  8. Hope so. It's right there. They just have to rise to the occasion.
  9. I would feel SOOOO much better if the game was in Orchard Park.
  10. Won't happen until after the 2026 season. Mike Brown has never fired a coach. He kept Marvin Lewis until his contract ran out. He won't pay people to NOT work for him.
  11. Key Stevenson dead tree branch.
  12. What’s interesting is that Walsh never had an OC until his final year in SF.
  13. Seifert looked like Ted Knight on coke.
  14. If you get on his staff, hit the gym and get out the hair gel You'll be a HC within a year.
  15. I actually take some of that back after doing a bit more digging. Shula and Knoll never actually coached under Brown. They played for him in Cleveland. But Paul Brown was instrumental in the development of the WCO, so that single branch in a coaching tree is pretty huge.
  16. The problem isn't that it's 25 years old. The problem is that it was built as cheaply as possible 25 years ago. Kind of like the Sabres arena.
  17. I don't think Warren County has the tax base to fund a stadium in the way that Mike Brown would need. The City of Mason is already kicking in millions to refurbish the tennis facility.
  18. The Bengals took Hamilton County to the cleaners in that stadium deal. All stadium deals are bad, but this one was extra special bad. The tax payers pay for everything and the team keeps all stadium revenue. The kicker is that the main negotiator for the county on that deal back in the late 90's resigned his position with the county to go work for the Bengals shortly after the stadium's opening. It's almost like he was negotiating a good deal for his future employers. City government corruption at it's finest.
  19. The West Coast Offence was developed to hide the limitations of Virgil Carter, who was the QB that came into Cincinnati after Greg Cook suffered a shoulder injury. Carter was essentially the Brock Purdy of the early '70s. So Brown and Walsh cooked up a timing-based offense to compensate for his lack of arm strength and field-reading ability. In the interests of full disclosure, I didn't know much of this until I watched a video a few minutes ago. Listen, Paul Brown was an egomaniacal dictator, but his influence on the modern passing game is immense.
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