If the Bills get in at the 7, it will likely be in [drum roll] Arrowhead. So let's win out and let's hope that the Fins drop one so that we get a home game.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn of his elevation today because the team released multiple pictures of him working with the 1s from yesterday's practice. It's like they made a point of letting us see that.
On-screen graphics (and the yellow line) would make this a lot better. Back then, you had no way to know the score or down and distance unless you were paying really close attention.
There is a strip club in Indy that athletes get in trouble at all the time called Club Rio. I would bet pretty good money that if there was an incident at a "bar" it was there.
Bar fight in Indianapolis. Based upon my experience as a Pacers' fan, it was at Club Rio or the 8-Second Saloon. I just wanna know if Jamaal Tinsley was in town.
Ramsay Bolton on Game of Thrones. That whole "Reek" plotline is so disturbing that It keeps me from rewatching the series and I absolutely loved the rest of it.
Cowboys fans think that every player who puts on the uniform instantly becomes a star. Bills fans think that every player who puts on the uniform instantly becomes a bum.
My favorite thing is that there seems to be a consensus there that the league has it out for the Cowboys and has the refs fix games to keep them down. As if a Chiefs-Cowboys Superbowl isn't the league's wet dream.