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Mike in Horseheads

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Everything posted by Mike in Horseheads

  1. Like the TV just turn the station if you don't like it
  2. Agree on the Braves, Rays series start not good
  3. Ned we just keep winning and bandwagon might need a 3rd car
  4. I'm under contract until September but they did throw me a nice bone, MLB extra innings for free
  5. Que the NFL films music
  6. Seriously your worried about THAT? SMH! He pry didn't have any underwear on either lol
  7. Oh, I thought this was a baseball thread. Go O's!!!
  8. I think the freebie from a hot girl AT Disneyland
  9. 2023 Mr Irrelevant is DT Desjuan Johnson Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter · 37s With the 259th and last pick of the 2023 NFL draft, the Rams took Toledo DT Desjuan Johnson, who now becomes this year’s Brock-Purdy, Mr.-Irrelevant selection.
  10. Well a lot of people here trashed Edmunds for 5 years, look at the bright side ya have a new guy to trash.
  11. @Howard is the best! Come back and tell us how things are with you and your lovely wife
  12. Trade the 5th and 6th for a 4th and get it finished up early
  13. The one rumor I heard was they were trading their #10 for Henry, makes me think its all BS
  14. Hmmmm, ya that does throw a wrench in my calcs 😆
  15. They only need to sell 66,666,666 tickets or 833 games at 80k a game. so roughly 105 years all paid up
  16. Good for them, they should hang the Bears for all of the debt.
  17. I agree, move to Montreal or something
  18. Ned we can hitch another wagon on the back, not 1st class like our wagon but coach
  19. I can confirm the Bills are moving.... in three or four years across the street.
  20. System I can deal with just don't say process please
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