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Mike in Horseheads

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Everything posted by Mike in Horseheads

  1. Pure speculation and I don't think there is a link from experience 30 years ago!
  2. T.O. never turned in the key, kinda like the 18 year old kid that tells his parents he's moving out, with no income and has no place to live, then figures out hes screwed has the key to the house and asks back in.
  3. I could not agree more with everything you said. I'm a controller for a NFP and the peeps were glad just to keep their jobs with no raises this year. The annual budget slashed other perks instead but nobody bitched. You'll find very little sympathy for players making millions here. As for baseball, I'm a Baltimore Orioles fan. By June the season is over because the Stankees and Bosux will be buying up whatever they need to get over the top.
  4. Just think about what lockout/strike Armageddon does to to the college game. Next spring suddenly we have kids trying to be 5th year seniors, the two year kids flunking out because they were going to declare for the NFL are screwed, (LOL...maybe at a few schools that don't offer basket weaving in the summer term) For the rest of us Joe Q Fan gets a better college product until some side caves. At least thats a positive. ...As for the rest of this subject, I agree the FA's are mediocre because of the change in rules. ...I hooked back up with The Dan Patrick Show when he came back online and DirecTV. ...Just wanted to stay on subject!
  5. Sooorrry... The ESPN byline said 4:26 so thought it was new.
  6. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4979700 Maybe they will take Claussen and have two ND qb's on the team. Anderson sure went from the penthouse to the basement quick. ...Does give the Bills another possible guy to look at.
  7. Great article... I love the positive attitude and if we are losing his sound bytes should be great.
  8. Living down here I'm not familiar with that area but 85-90k seats? No, there would be a blackout every week.
  9. They just need to get the Indians on board and call the place the Seneca Niagara Poker Dome! There will be confusion about just what poke-her means, put in 80 gas pumps and cheap smokes and the place will be packed every day!
  10. They are still waiting for the Colts reply about trading Kelsay, Lynch, Trenty, Whitner and a 5x7 of Jauron for Peyton Manning since he can't seem to win the Super Bowl anymore!
  11. ...And the people in GB aren't going to hold themselves for ransom money... from themselves for a new stadium. No wonder the NFL closed that loophole, too fan friendly and brings sensible management.
  12. What the hell might as well build it down here in Horseheads, there's a new I-86 interchange and its between Elmira and Corning!
  13. Couldn't agree more unless Al Davis thinks Trent is the next Gannon as some of said. Oh but wait scratch that Uncle Al has banned Gannon and look a likes, back to no one.
  14. Thanks... I knew we had already did this, wrote a comment about it and got smacked down by someone.
  15. Hmmm... I thought I answered a poll like this Sunday,and last I knew Brohm was winning? Now hes not a option?
  16. I don't see anybody giving up a #1 for Evans, fat contract and lousy numbers would hurt his value. Of course if he had somebody to throw to him it would help.
  17. ..And we would have gotten Ryan Leaf.
  18. Couldn't agree more! I also wonder if "Fast Freddy" is durable enough to be a featured back. Maybe with a real offense under Galley they could both flourish.
  19. I can see Colt McCoy getting drafted in the 2nd round and added to the list.
  20. NYS at least where I live didn't get "crushed" by the housing market, banks didn't get crazy and none closed. Idiots in the sunshine states pulled all of our ass's into this economic mess. ...The real issue goes back to who bought off the NFL to put a team in Jacksonville in the first place? If I remember right everybody figured it was going back to LA or Houston. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ went to someone.
  21. This may explain why Ralphie had no estate planning and didn't protect his assets so he could have sold the Bills and not lost everything. All the other rich bastards find away around the taxes.
  22. Sam Bradford was on the DP show and said he's ahead of schedule, stated no preference on where he wanted to go. Dan asked him if hes looking at houses in Washington and Buffalo. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/danpatric...6021/index.html
  23. Can God make a rock so big that even he can't lift it?
  24. Good for AVP, he fell on the sword for Jauron and lack of talent but seldom if ever bitched.
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