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Mike in Horseheads

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Everything posted by Mike in Horseheads

  1. With all this Georgia Tech influx will the Bills be renamed to be the Rambling "Weck"??? Sorry just had to throw that out...
  2. Can' you hear it now, "Lets go out and win one for the Giffer"
  3. Yupper..the kiddies are playing with the computer again.
  4. I really didn't mean it that way, I just like some life shown for once at OBD, beats the Jauron drone....
  5. This link makes me wonder.... http://sports.espn.go.com/boston/nfl/news/story?id=4826721
  6. ...I thought he was a riot at the press conference! Say what you want but nice to see somebody rattle some chains back at the media. If Buddy and Chan can get some asst quality coaches like Reeves in here I will have my bad attitude about them tempered.
  7. I take that in a second but the only team dumb enough to do that is Oakland and since they are "stacked with quality QB's" there is no roster spot for a long bal throwing stud like Trenty..
  8. ..and Buddy...who's Buddy? Buddy Ebsen?? With Buddy Ebsen, Superman and Charlie Chan on this cast I don't know why we can't win a Oscar!
  9. LOL... Russ Brandon staring as "Headley Lamarr".... "not Headley, its Heady"
  10. Sorry if this has been asked before but, what are the terms of Chan Gaileys deal? I guess since hes also the OC its "three and out" like the offense and previous HCs have been? I do wish him well but hes up against odds not seen since the new sheriff rode into Rockridge in "Blazing Saddles"!
  11. Time to move on, it is what it is..... Go Sabres, and on to the FA and draft. Come summer waiting for the 1st preseason game....
  12. On the Dan Patrick show Peter king indicated that he thinks Tony Dungey may have had something to do with Fraizer shying away.
  13. I agree... when he went to ESPN he just became another Disney Dwarf. He forgot what he used to do and became a shill for the network.
  14. These clowns, Schefter, Mortensen, Clayton, Florio and Casserly are all falling over themselves to one up each other. We can bet soon that Adam Schefter is reporting that John Clayton knows what Mort had for lunch.
  15. I still believe in the conspiracy theory that the league and Ralphie want to destroy the fan base so they can say look at the lousy attendance and say nobody cares and move the team to Toronto or LA.
  16. I guess I missed something because I never heard that Levy hired Dickhead over Ralphies wishes...
  17. See Ralphies not dumb, he just doesn't want to pay a coach during the lockout. Russ will handle it for 2010.
  18. Well that would be the new coach as only the Bills would fly in the new coach on a Cessna, must be the wind wasn't right for a glider.
  19. Yah winning the Super Bowl will make "many feel Pittsburgh took the wrong guy". Lets hope things don't get "Grimmer" at OBD!
  20. Sadlly I had the same thought that that stiff would be on the Bills sidelines.....
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