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Mike in Horseheads

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Everything posted by Mike in Horseheads

  1. Thanks... I knew we had already did this, wrote a comment about it and got smacked down by someone.
  2. Hmmm... I thought I answered a poll like this Sunday,and last I knew Brohm was winning? Now hes not a option?
  3. I don't see anybody giving up a #1 for Evans, fat contract and lousy numbers would hurt his value. Of course if he had somebody to throw to him it would help.
  4. Couldn't agree more! I also wonder if "Fast Freddy" is durable enough to be a featured back. Maybe with a real offense under Galley they could both flourish.
  5. I can see Colt McCoy getting drafted in the 2nd round and added to the list.
  6. NYS at least where I live didn't get "crushed" by the housing market, banks didn't get crazy and none closed. Idiots in the sunshine states pulled all of our ass's into this economic mess. ...The real issue goes back to who bought off the NFL to put a team in Jacksonville in the first place? If I remember right everybody figured it was going back to LA or Houston. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ went to someone.
  7. This may explain why Ralphie had no estate planning and didn't protect his assets so he could have sold the Bills and not lost everything. All the other rich bastards find away around the taxes.
  8. Sam Bradford was on the DP show and said he's ahead of schedule, stated no preference on where he wanted to go. Dan asked him if hes looking at houses in Washington and Buffalo. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/danpatric...6021/index.html
  9. Can God make a rock so big that even he can't lift it?
  10. Good for AVP, he fell on the sword for Jauron and lack of talent but seldom if ever bitched.
  11. Ummm... I think "crafty" Dick Jauron thought about that last year! When your punter is your MVP it might be a sign!
  12. Bastard!... Of course I would have done the same thing!
  13. Why not try to get Marc Trestman as OC while were at it?
  14. ..I still believe that Ralphie is going to leave the team to WNY in his will and screw the the NFL. Of course I still believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa and that Jenna Jamison lost my phone number!
  15. As posted in in other threads, Ted Cottrell would be a nice return also!
  16. And of course after the fact the NFL is saying . Just means that Greggo and his defense will be watched even more. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/200...tory?id=4868880
  17. Thought the same thing! Sounds like he might be a good pick though.
  18. Thanks your reply says it all for me. If Vick comes in great if he wins games, he did his time. My ray of optimism is that we finnaly have a GM and coach with a heart beat and at the very least the press conferences the last few weeks have been a hell of a lot better than when the mortician Jauron was there.
  19. No offense but....I'd be happy with the same uniforms, nobody bitched when we went to 4 Super Bowls !
  20. Meets the GT qualification but sounds like he made/makes too much money for the Bills.
  21. Assuming Grego will discourage any coaches from leaving the Saints for the Bills that would leave the Colts coaches: http://www.colts.com/sub.cfm?page=coaches ...Maybe Pete Metzellers and Frank Reich will come over with one of the defensive coaches.
  22. Hey... Maybe the reason the Bills have hired a LB coach without announcing a DC is because its a assistant on the Colts or Saints. Since Gregg Williams had such a positive experience with Ralph and all I'm sure hes giving great references for the Bills.
  23. LOL... here's how times have changed, years ago Elmira was the O's AA team. Earl Weaver was manager here for a few years and met his wife. Became the O's manager in 1969 but still came back here with her in the off season and sold cars for Elmira Chrysler Plymouth! ...Now days they all make too much $$$ and don't have to bother with dealing with the simple people unless they get paid.
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