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Mike in Horseheads

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Everything posted by Mike in Horseheads

  1. Maybe they were afraid the Bills would snap him up!
  2. With all the other house cleaning the regime has done there leaves Fitz as the only villain left.
  3. My God... doesn't anyone remember Rob Johnson and how the Bills got sucked into trading for him, this is crazy.
  4. Couldn't have said it better Joe... ... I wasn't hoping to bring "experts" like that out in the original post.
  5. You make some excellent points. I don't get why if Brandon isn't making the football "players" decision then why is he at the combine? ...As for whoever trashed Thomas Vanek???... Have you seen a game this year???... He's only the leading scorer in the NHL... no link needed.
  6. My whole point was that it is amazing these teams are in about the same spot with a total different approach. Heck looking at Lindy's time frame in Buffalo as coach it's almost the same as the Bills not making the playoffs, dun, dun, dun!!!!!.... Might as well blame him for that too!!!!
  7. Sabres are like the anti-Bills. Fire a coach every 15 years (5 coaches in Bills coaches lives), modern stadium/arena, a young passionate owner who spends $$$ and what do they get... Same results....
  8. ...I agree especially after the bank collapse no bank is going to finance 100% of anything UNLESS the borrower is putting up a huge chunk of collateral besides the one they are purchasing.
  9. Meanwhile Jerry Sullivan just trashed the Bills on Twitter about not interviewing Trestman Jerry Sullivan ‏@TBNSully Meanwhile the Bills never interviewed Marc Trestman for two head coaching jobs but he's good enough to lead an iconic NFL franchise, Chicago
  10. Here's a great article from todays NY Post about people dumping PSL's . My point is, if the Bills ever get the new stadium would they even get the fan base to buy into this scam and imagine if they did what reaction in WNY would be. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/jet_fans_agony_of_da_seat_WYQbF841gstG9ElHn4hfZN
  11. Looks like the browns wasted a lot of time on Chip Kelly, latest is they are going back to Cleveland to start all over in their search.
  12. If Lovie doesn't get a HC job then the Bills can hire him as DC and everybody will happy.
  13. Those bamboo cars using The Flintstones design are not cheap to build!
  14. Oh... So he came back, canned Chan and sold the team and left already...
  15. What would be funny is for Ralph to wheel into the post game presser with one of those vaudiville hooks and drag Chan off the podium. "On with the show this is it..."
  16. ...With the nonsense in DC I doubt Ralph's advisors have any clue what the tax rates will be next week on anyone. I go with the idea he wanted to come back and see his friends knowing with his age and health he might not get another chance.
  17. Just for kicks, look at his stats. http://espn.go.com/college-football/player/_/id/489481/tyler-tettleton Wouldn't be the first MAC QB to make a impact. Plus late breaking news (thx@cowgirlsfan), his dad Mickey was a catcher for me beloved Baltimore Orioles and tough as nails.
  18. Watching Tyler Tettleton qb for Ohio today he might as well be on the wish list. He can throw a hard spiral over the middle to a receiver in stride!!! Imagine that...
  19. ... and Cuomos gift extends to Horseheads, Elmira and Corning as well!
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