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Mike in Horseheads

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Everything posted by Mike in Horseheads

  1. NO!... he's just a poison pill to clubhouses, wants more money than he's worth and now has suspect knees.
  2. I guess if they put up lets just suck banners that would make the fan base here happy..
  3. It can get better, I add in The Orioles to my mix. Last season was such a breath of fresh air after they have sucked for so long. But I have to go with the Sabres out of the two choices. In so many ways they are the anti Bills, Sabres have a relatively new building, a owner with deep pockets, a place where hockey players LIKE the weather and have gone down the drain in dramatic fashion. Not even the dramatic late season heroic rush for the playoffs only to fail looks like it's going to happen this year. I wish that whole playoff series was my imagination. If I remember right thats when Derrick Roy showed his true colors and btw he got traded again today.
  4. Don Banks CNNSI draft has the Jags taking Geno at 2. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/nfl/news/20130327/nfl-mock-draft-3/
  5. Or teams AKA Yankees, Mets, Knicks, Rangers, Nets and they tried like hell to do the same for the Jets.
  6. I just saw a state paid ad touting the NEW NY.... waste of money.
  7. What the hell...let go balls deep and build a new retractable roof stadium that can also be converted to baseball so when MLB come's begging WNY is ready!! ....as you can tell there is sarcasm all over this!!! WNY should have got a team in the first place but let MLB deal with the dead wood fans in Florida. In reality, that would fill a lot of dates but also make the price astronomical if it was built right. which leads to.... ...As for financing, hold on to your hat, even down here in Horseheads the local station ran a story about how the Bills are getting money but cancer funding is getting cut from the crappy state budget. I guess it was all right to build new stadiums for the Shankees, Mutts and cut everybody else....grrr.
  8. Ever wonder what will get built first A new Peace Bridge or a new Stadium? They've only been building a new Peace Bridge for 20 years or so I believe.
  9. The reality nobody wants to admit is your not building a stadium "over looking" the American Falls unless it's in Canada. If you build it on the American side to see the horseshoe Falls you'd have to be on Goat Island or Niagara Falls State Park and good luck with wiping out park land for 7 games a year. Next to the Injun Casino is as close as your going to get and thats not "overlooking" the Falls and we all know who owns that land. At least he mows the grass every year...lol
  10. I hope they take him outside in the cold and hopefully snow and work him out.
  11. He's hungry for a job to help his brother since his wife is going to get canned from "The View"
  12. Beware Fitz is visiting Tennesee per Chris Brown. So not sure what he has left if they want him to replace Matt.
  13. Have you ever been there? Just where do you think you could put something like that Goat Isle??
  14. PTR... doesn't he own the land adjacent to the Seneca Casino? That would be a natural partner for the stadium so they could bring in large events. I also love how people want a stadium overlooking the Falls, where are you going to put it on Goat Island? That's all govt park land out there folks, talk about red tape in the process.
  15. Great... they will start a league it will be semi successful and then they will file a anti trust law suit against the NFL...
  16. When NFL Network was discussing the Bills being Fitzless Scott Pioli said they really want Nassib and would trade up for him at the end of the first.
  17. Stone Hands Stevie wouldn't have approved of someone better than him 'Catching" the ball.
  18. "wink wink" yup I'm sure they are all following the rules as usual!
  19. The hot chick in AP is banging the marketing manager!!!...What oh not that kind of rumour. ...I wouldn't mind Matt Flynn for a 4th, may be we'd turn the tables on them fleecing us for a 4th for "The Beast". Mike Florio said last week Fitz is history on the Dan Patrick show so we'd need a vet and he's only 27.
  20. Excellent point!!! If he left who would we have to blame for everything this season.
  21. Any bet which gets built first a new Peace Bridge or a Bills waterfront stadium??? I bet neither in the next ten years. I think new lease has money "to study a new stadium". Ya, ok... that money might as well just be thrown over the falls with all the Peace Bridge $$$.
  22. I found the most interesting part of the DP interview was when Florio said Fitz is gone next Tuesday (as someone mentioned above). I'm assuming that means if he doesn't restructure. (?) DP seems to have a Buffalo connection for info rather it be Florio or Dungey.
  23. Saying that Barkley is going to be "without a doubt" the best QB taken in the draft is a fact less statement. USC QB's of late Palmer, Leinhert and Sanchez is something that should be a concern when looking at Barkley.
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