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Mike in Horseheads

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Everything posted by Mike in Horseheads

  1. https://nypost.com/2020/08/31/porn-star-charged-in-death-of-man-found-in-shallow-grave/ A 23-year-old former porn star, her boyfriend and another man were charged in the death of a man found buried in a shallow grave in Florida last week, reports said. Lauren Wambles, who goes by Aubrey Gold, was charged with being a principal to the murder of 51-year-old Raul Guillen, WTVY reported.
  2. Agree. They will need to pay White and Allen to keep the core together. Only so much to go around and I like Milano, just think he's going to be odd man out
  3. Not so much worried about Milano as I am Edmunds.
  4. The last few minutes were wild! Made up for the first 55
  5. Bucks got the last laugh as they won today and advanced to the next round.
  6. Every time I see Austin Peay is playing I think of when Fly Williams played basketball there. they had the famous chant "Fly is open , go Peay!"
  7. Twitter is what you make of it. I go there looking for news and especially sports news and updates. I don't go there or FB looking for solutions to anything.
  8. If the cap craters the whole league will have cap problems like Virgil said. Good thing that CBA was just signed.
  9. Please get a clue of what you know THE BOSS of the site is asking.
  10. They are! I watch em sometimes on Saturday am after Andy Griffin
  11. Yes the drop off got really bad when the schools shut down.
  12. I really expect at least a little better from you GBID
  13. This is a big nothing burger.
  14. A few years ago after that Cleveland debacle he told Tasker off on that daily show when Steve was poo pooing some things. Brownie was having nothing to do with it and flat out said it was a horrible performance and that things had to change. I think murphy filled his depends because he just sat and winced.
  15. Check on the kids Worry about America, not China would be a good start
  16. Sure as ***** not shot someone in the back 7 times. Why didn't the cop at the back of the car move towards him.
  17. If you don't live here why do you care?
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