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Mike in Horseheads

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    Garden Spot of The Southern Tier

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  1. A spelling bee would be interesting
  2. A red flag should go up if the Panthers released him
  3. I got that even if nobody else did. great movie!
  4. I read a story today that Slayton is pry undervalued because his stats suffered from the Giants lack of a passing game and QB
  5. Are you this guys agent? 😁
  6. How far can we move up in the draft if we trade our first, second and first next year?
  7. 1) Shakir 2) Benford 3) Bernard 4) Cook
  8. Good game this afternoon between the Fins and Swedes 4-3 in OT Finland. Lots of tempers and cheap shots good old fashion rivalry game! Nice preview of tonight...
  9. I wonder how they would score the play if that pitch in the dirt existed. E1 E2 ?
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