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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. My fault, must have remembered incorrectly. I'll see if I can find the clip.
  2. I have assumed there is less involvement by the rest of the front office on an undrafted free agent than the first (and gradually lower) round pick. Another conclusion I draw from what I have seen/heard is Tom Modrak still has a job with the Bills because his recommendations have been better than who we have ended up picking. Just my 2 cents from behind the horse trying to figure out what it ate...
  3. I think that was Johnson. I just don't know ho wmuch Chad was doin on special teams. Nelson was playing well enough to make it as the fourth wr, it seems to me the 5th had to play ST and not just a return guy because we had so many anyways. So I think Jackson's only chance would have been to beat out Nelson. Seemed like he was in the running and had a shot, but they must have liked Nelson's potential (and size) better than Chad's. I think Chad did well for himself, maybe he will catch on somewhere.
  4. Not sure, but did Jackson lose out because Jones was covering kicks/punts better?
  5. I agree with us keeping only five and using the other spot to cover positions like OT, TE and RB. While reading the thread, I keep hearing - It's a tough game for tough people. I don't think Hardy has shown much toughness judging by his time spent on the sidelines. Not entirely his fault, but it is what it is. Seems to me Evans, Johnson, Parrish and Nelson are in, the question is the fifth spot and that may come down to special teams. I don't know enough about how those receivers have been doing there to make a call on who is the best. I think CJ will be used like Thurman was out of the backfield to catch the ball, but with less carries. I think over the last couple of preseason games Chan has been adjusting CJ's projected number of touches per game up.
  6. I don't believe we have any of the "specialists" left from last year. There is a reason teams keep players like Wendling around even though they don't have much of a chance to play. Bruce is tasked with finding/creating sonme special team demons, and with our defense you need a couple of LB's to make an impact. I think it will be a problem for us until we get some athletes at LB. You can complain about DeHaven all you want, but until we have some better players in depth roles the ST teams are going to be sub-par.
  7. I say beat them at their own game - play a 3-1 defense, double Moss and Welker and make them run on us.
  8. We'll see what happens with our cuts, but everything I have noticed seems to say that Buddy will cut you if you're not working hard or you're at the bottom of the depth chart. I don't see them cutting Maybin before his contract is up unless they have a better player on the roster. I actually hope they can coax some more production out of the players on the roster (Whitner, McCargo for example) and sign them to reasonable 2nd contracts.
  9. I'm really concerned about the special teams this year. Is there anyone left from last year who was a "special teams" guy? DeHaven may be a good coach, but we don't have the backup linebackers who will help that much covering kicks. Maybe Coleman?
  10. As pdaddy has mentioned, we need to sign our better draft picks to a second contract in order to stop the bleeding. The players have to be good enough for that, and everyone has to be okay with the money, etc. The main issue is to get the players believing that we are building something here so we don't have to overpay to get them to stay. Hopefully RW, Nix and Whaley will be able to do that or even want to do that.
  11. I'm just happy to see some emotion in those post game interviews.
  12. Well, if the current system is in place and they have a top pick, they're going to pay a lot anyway. If there are slotted rookie salaries in the new cba they won't have to worry much about it. Either way I don't see it affecting who they're drafting.
  13. I'm thinking: QB: P1 We need a franchise guy if he's there OLB34: P2 While we have Maybin, who else has at least some potential to be a standout 3-4 olb? Let's not ignore the requirement of the 3-4 to have top notch pass rushing olb's. LT: P2 Assuming Bell doesn't step it up OG: P3 Let's get Wood over to center NT: P4 We can get a rotational guy for NT here, but I'm not sold on the need. Pit will bring their NT off the field in pass rushing situations, and I can see the Bills letting TT play run downs and bringing KW in for pass rush. RT, ILB, OG, C: P5 - Looking for backup depth and possibly hitting on one of these guys. Assuming Meredith plays well enough to start at RT and we will still need some depth at interior OL. Although I wouldn't be suprised if we pick up a guy in free agency here for the interior. I like putting multiple positions at one level in your software because it seems to pick the bpa better. I had a lot of fun with that last draft.
  14. I think it's about the makeup of the team - the days of not having issues resolved among players and OBD are over. You don't want to get to work we don't need you. This is an example of the new mindset when it comes to this team, you're with us or you're not going to be here. It sets an example to the rest of the players in the locker room about what the expectations are as a player. This mindset is predicated on being able to draft quality players, and if Buddy can do that we'll have a team that is very competitive again.
  15. Why would anyone trade anything for him if he's going to get cut? The only way to get anything for him is to get two teams in a bidding war, and with his salary I would guess not many teams are looking to pay him and give up draft picks. Teams would probably rather take their chances signing him in the open market.
  16. I had PI bad a few years ago, the drugs help. It came in waves on me like your describing, even though the clearing work was done over the course of a few hours (and in the winter). This year I was weed whacking and thought I may have gotten into some so I tried rubbing some crushed jewelweed on my skin afterward. Seemed to help because I only had a few small bumps where I didn't rub as as much, but it would be tough to say how much it actually helped. And that wouldn't have helped you unless you had done it right after exposure.
  17. I'm not saying its the best or optimal thing, I'm saying that's what I think we're doing. Whether or not you want to B word ad nauseam about it or not is another thing.
  18. Who do you release at tackle? Buddy had a direct hand in bringing in Wang and Green, Bell and Meredith both have potential. Heck, Buddy may have had a hand in Meredith as well. I think that's why Chris Brown has been saying they will probably get interior help instead. Maybe if Bell/Meredith lay an egg in camp they can move Pitts out to LT, but if he's needed inside because of injury that puts one of those guys back into the lineup. I think we've hitched our wagons to the current group of OT's and we'll see what happens. Injuries are probably going to be the only thing that changes our roster at OT.
  19. Pick the one that looks the best. But this group isn't getting a ring, they're just setting you up for the long term girl. At least that's my hope...
  20. I think they will also have room for a high round OLB that can get after the qb. Heck, you could probably throw in bruising tailback on the need pile as well but we'll see. Seems like they'll go with the most talented player on the board, although I bet they could justify reaching a little for a qb if they think it's needed. It's going to be tough for a qb to play at a pro bowl level considering our offensive line, but one of these guys may play "well enough" for them to push a qb down the list as a need. I am personally hoping this year that Chan is just looking for a backup/seat warmer for a first round qb pick in 2011.
  21. Sorry, I shouldn't have used the "c" word, I forgot about the long drawn out discussion the board had regarding the meaning of character as it related to what Marv was looking for. I'll rephrase with "hard working and dedicated to football". In looking at Lynch, he may have issues outside of football, but his work ethic and dedication to the team is lacking. I remember NGU mentioning that we will see his true colors this offseason, and ML hasn't disappointed. Coaching can help players perform better on Sundays, but there is no substitute for the mental toughness to work hard at something when no one is around. I always think of Jerry Rice or Walter Payton as an example of that. And while coaching can enhance a players abilities, working hard is really how a player can make the most of the talent level he is blessed with. I will also say that Whaley should know how to recognize talented and hard working players. The issue is finding the talent and then having a coach that uses that talent well.
  22. Exactly. Everyone has a plan until the players they draft/sign in FA don't live up to expectations. I will say this though, it seems like this FO can pick out "high character" players a lot better than prior regimes, and I like what they've done so far. But as fans I think we're closer to the 3 year rebuild than a one year turnaround because of the defensive scheme change and the subsequent players we've added there. In the defensive front seven, we could realistically end up with 4-5 (Torbor, Davis, Troupe, Carrington, Edwards) new starters for major parts of the season. I hope the offense gets the same treatment next year.
  23. Grew up in West Seneca but moved to Pittsburgh after 7th grade. Been around here since, between college and getting on with my life's work...
  24. I know ganesh is from around Pittsburgh also, he used to head down to Buffalo Blues for the games. Unfortunately I haven't been able to make it and I don't know if he still has a group that goes down there.
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