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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. Probably exploring all avenues for some type of conviction. No doubt she wasn't a skunk though. As a general rule, when there's a party with kids at your house, don't pull any guns out. Just sayin'.
  2. I'll raise you one. Make sure your skunks are skunks. http://www.timesonli...8fc547ae12.html
  3. The only one on the roster who can help is Brad Smith. He needs to get at least 10 snaps a game in this offense. I continue to be mystified as to what he is doing on the team. TJax will only get reps if Fitz gets hurt. Fitz needs reps on the game plan (scripted plays etc) during the week and TT gets the backup reps. TJax has to run the scout team offense. Chan could give the backup reps to TJax if it gets worse, meaning the defense is playing well and Fitz is losing games for us. So if you really want Fitz out you better hope the defense pulls their collective heads out of their a$$es and Fitz carries on his merry way. TJax could get some reps during the bye week and if he knows enough maybe take a shot at playing after that. As far I am concerned, Chan cannot deviate from his run/pass balance in an attempt to catch up. Fitz has proven he can manage the team without trying to be in catch up mode. Even if he is down, Chan needs to be patient because Fitz has proven he cannot handle flinging it around this year. He may have done it early last year, but it isn't happening now so stop pounding the square peg into the round hole.
  4. More beef at lb would be helpful, but I'm not sure we have any other lb who can cover. And people will get tired of Moats chasing after te's down the field. My point is the dt's have to keep scott clean by taking up two blockers instead of trying to shed blocks. It would take a shift in technique which wanny does not seem to be advocating here. So for me more beef would mean either moving MW inside and/or taking someone of the field (maybe kelsay/anderson) and bringing in carrington or johnson. So the beef is added up front. You lose some pass rush with the hope of collapsing the running lanes in the middle. Hopefully Wanny's seen enough of what he's got to have a plan b. You can't just watch your players not get it done.
  5. I was hoping he would talk about our DL trying to occupy multiple blockers - because if they don't, scott and barnett will not get off many blocks because of their size and we will see more of this type of attack. I don't know if the 9ers will try it, but I expect we will be seeing our nickel on the field a lot this year possibly coupled with some hurry up. We're going to have to show that we can defend the run out of the nickel which we haven't done yet this year. Edit: I also wanted to add that the occupy blockers technique is different than the beat your man technique. Look at it like a 3-4 technique instead of the 4-3 technique. The concern for me is that if you have one guy win the one on one, he better make the tackle and that could be tough if the ball is not near him. Once the rb gets through the line and the lbs are blocked, they're almost guaranteed 10 yards.
  6. I'll say Chan, but I think the question will be if he still is doing the play calling. That to me is the one thing that may change if this season plays out poorly.
  7. I agree, I thought it was in response to the fans booing when the touchdown review confirmed he ran it in.
  8. And Brady went right to a pass on the te moats was covering. Teams ran on our nickel since game one of the preseason, but we don't have any other lb's that can cover. So we left the coverage guys in and relied on the front four to stop the run.
  9. What other linebacker do we have that can cover? Because if you put any other lb on our roster in the nickel brady will go after him. Wanny had no choice but to hope someone could make a play. We weren't able to stop the run in the nickel at any time this year from the first preseason game on. Belicheck saw that and kept his people in to force us to stay in the nickel and ran on us. Our dline had trouble getting off blocks and once their oline made it to the second level scott or barnett weren't getting off blocks. We need a linebacker that can get off blocks and run, that's the only way we can stop this. Classic Belicheck today folks.
  10. I would have to say that for the first time since Chan's been here we have been solid in run d. And we can get some pressure on the qb. That has to make him feel better about trying to grind it out on the ground instead of game planning like he has to score on every single possession.
  11. Considering Chandler was running away from him and he short hopped the defender who was trailing, it was a terrible throw that should have been thrown over the top. If you're going to miss, it's because the ball was overthrown. Fitz deserved the boo's and he survived them. Hopefully he will improve, if not TJ will get a chance. I think Chan realizes he either needs solid plays from the qb or we will be running the ball because the Bills need to win and contend for a playoff spot in late December this year, regardless of injuries.
  12. I was hoping they were going to try a deep ball after the strip sack/fumble recovery by Mario (if I remember correctly). Chan had chances, just didn't want to pull the trigger.
  13. I agree we have a couple more players to acquire, especially on offense. If I remember correctly, Chan has not had great offensive talent to work with, I think Aikman was probably the best qb. I think Buddy's goal is to have established starters and young talented players learning as backups. I believe he thinks he is there on defense (maybe one FS), but not on offense. With the attempted Meachum pickup wr can be looked at as well as qb. Buddy has said he'd like to draft one every year, and while it is the most important position, I agree with what he's doing in the sense that he needed to rebuild this roster first to get a baseline of talent and then add a top qb to the mix. It will allow the qb to develop faster and be more effective. I know a lot of people are okay with our oline, but I don't think it's there yet. I think they are good enough run a three step offense, but not good enough to go betond that. I think the right side needs some help, but we'll see what they do the rest of the year. As far as buddy and chan being on the same page, I will say this. I believe if they were not, you would have seen a big bruising tailback taken in a later round by now. I think Buddy is smart enough to know he needs to get the players that Chan needs to make his offense go, not what he thinks is needed because he is not coaching. Once Buddy thinks he has given Chan enough talent to win and Chan doesn't, Chan will be gone. I think that's going to be at least one more olineman and a wr. Depending on how Fitz plays, it could also be an early round qb. Depends on how long Buddy/Chan are going to stick with Fitz, and I think that will depend how how much improvement there is this year, if any.
  14. I continue to wonder why Brad Smith doesn't get any touches. You wanted him, use him!
  15. So by saying you guys agree with Rodney, you're on board with this obviously - "They don’t have a franchise quarterback." , but also with these statements - "The Patriots will always dominate that division. The Jets will always be second. " as well as him implying the Bills won't be competitive week in and week out? For 6 years, the length of the contract? Really? After one game? Okay. Rodney is just blowing his hole to get a reaction, but if you want to agree with him, be my guest. Can't see how you could stand to watch the games though, but whatever. We need some more players yet, especially on offense, but I'm not ready to agree that the bills will not finish better than third place in the division for the next 6 years. This team got plenty of publicity after the 5-2 start last year, which will happen any time we win some games. We have some talent on this team, it's time for the coaches to get the most out of it.
  16. Seems like we only had four wr's who caught the ball regularly. Chan was pretty pissed when a couple of the second tier guys got their chance and didn't perform. With this development I'm guessing none of them turned the corner enough to be more valuable than someone at another position.
  17. I hope Mario will help with this, I'd like to see him stunt to the middle (or Welker's side) and swat the ball out of the air. It didn't seem to me that they tried the mush rush much in the second game though, I was a little disappointed since it was pretty effective in the first.
  18. Just fyi - I signed up last night through the twobillsdrive link and they have taken $5 off so with the directv coup it was under $13.
  19. That's motivation for them. After the issues we had last year I'm guessing the coaching staff has harped on everyone that if their number is called they need to step up. Chan's pretty pissed if it doesn't happen when the opportunity is presented.
  20. I think Carrington is on the bottom of the three you mentioned. Johnson played OLB last year and Carrington couldn't even though there were a few reports he was practicing for that position, which seems to be telling me Johnson moves better and therefore has more value in this D. And they (Chris Brown, Wanny) seem to mention Edwards as a solid defender. One thing that could keep AC here is if he plays well enough they could trade Edwards. I don't know how solid Brooks is. One thing I like to do is check out the offensive highlights and see who the defender is getting burned. I saw his number a few times early but hopefully he will step it up. Unfortunately he may not have seen enough of the field in college to be trustworthy on the field yet. We may have to take the chance with the practice squad.
  21. I remember edwards, fitz and brohm getting equal reps at the beginning of the off season and eventually it became reps between fitz and edwards through camp. OBD in its entirety said there was an open qb competition that year, over and over again. That is certainly not the case this year. It is Fitz's year to lead and prove the faith that chan has in him. And that begins well before training camp especially now that there is less coaching involvement with the new cba. I know it's been a while since we've had one, but a qb is a team leader that makes plays and rallies the troops. It is difficult to have the leader changing with the wind. It would be difficult for Fitz to demand excellence from his teammates if they're not sure he's the man. You've seen established qb's do this on other teams, and it's time for fitz to gain the confidence to do it here. In the end, we need Fitz to take control of the team if we are going to see the playoffs this season. That's mainly on him and also on Chan. If a backup qb has to win some games due to injury hopefully he can. If fitz can't get a lock on the job, it's not good for anyone.
  22. I say send him up now. If we can get him going fast enough and the rock is far away, it could just be enough. I think it's worth a shot.
  23. I guess I don't see it quite that way. VY is here to compete and win the backup qb job. OBD feels they can win games with him running the offense in that capacity. With the oline not quite there yet and obviously thigpen is not seen as the answer (or we wouldn't be having this conversation), VY is an insurance policy against injury. I don't think he's going anywhere this year because of the one year deal, and I'd be surprised if they keep him for longer even if he does well unless he can run something more than a gimmick or watered down offense. OBD seems like they are going all in on making the playoffs, and getting a decent veteran Qb who can win a few games was on the to-do list. Hopefully Chan and the coaching staff can make Buddy and his OBD elves look like geniuses.
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