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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. If chandler gets inside it's over, there is no way for the db to get the ball. Chandler should have been able to get upfield at least a little. But I agree from a standpoint of I would rather see stevie there. But I just thought chandler looked a little soft there.
  2. So you're an advocate of the Jauron offense, let's try and keep it close and steal it at the end of the game? No thanks.
  3. Maybe someone locked him up in a tool shed.
  4. Somebody's got to play next year if they don't re-sign Byrd. Just in case, of course.
  5. I think he needs to dictate to Billy by showing him something he hasn't seen. CJ and Fred and Chandler can make your 3 wide from that group, you can bring dickerson, brad smith, maybe even choice instead of cmac at times for something different.. You don't have to get complicated, just pick a side and attack it. I think a backfield with cj and fred on the field would be a good start, Chan said they were working on that. Just do something out of character and attack them, preferably at one of their weak points.
  6. Nice piece, good writing. Also nice use of the asterisk in the title.
  7. It's going to be Fitz's job until someone plays better, just like it will be Fredex's job until someone takes it away. TJack is here finishing up the last year of his contract, it's gotta be 50/50 that we can even sign him. You'd have thought they would have made a move by now on the contract, but maybe tjack wants to weigh his options. I assume Chan would want at least one vet backup going into training camp so I'm assuming obd will put some effort into signing him if they think he can perform in Chan's offense. For better or worse, Chan has hooked his wagon to Fitz. If Fitz starts losing games by not being able to score they will make a change. Our defense has some work to do before that happens. It seems to me if the play calling stays heavy run it will keep Fitz from having to win games. That mindset will also help develop a young qb.
  8. Let's just assume Fitz will start next year. Of course the board will have the same reaction either way so it doesn't matter. Do folks realize at this point Fitz will be the only true qb on the roster after the season? They pretty much have to fill the spots so maybe they will sign one fa and draft one or two.
  9. Blow Billy's mind. 2TE, 2RB and CMac. Flex guys out from a tight formation or run right at him.
  10. They ended up charging the relative (cousin) who shot the girl. Last I heard (a few days ago) she was still in the hospital in critical condition, but it seemed like she would be okay. http://www.timesonline.com/news/police_fire_courts/police-file-charges-in-girl-s-shooting/article_6a16a379-b75a-5210-a905-b17a6dc1d503.html
  11. It's not talked about much, but I believe this is his first year playing in a 4-3 defense since before college I believe. Not that it matters a ton, but between his personal issues and being a young player it's probably not helping. I'm just glad he's not a db, because he would be getting run out of town already.
  12. Didn't realize you were being serious. In that case, no, she is not to blame. It was a Halloween party, there was a bonfire, probably some booze. She was somewhere on the property on the down slope of a hill I guess. As someone with a gun, you always have to positively id what you're shooting. A feather floating around down in the woods is not a positive id, especially considering there are a bunch of people in costumes and kids are running around.
  13. You would think that when Grandma put the flashlight beam on her and yelled "Fire!" the little girl would have stood up and said "I am not a skunk!" or something similar. I'm beginning to see your point, I guess she wanted to get shot....
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