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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. But you also have DL Kelsay, Merriman, spencer johnson and kyle moore not currently on the roster. I would think they might want to replace a guy or two there. And if they classify Mario and/or anderson as olb's that leaves you even shorter on DL. I think there will be room for both and I think he replaces Johnson more than anyone else.
  2. You let them fight it out at camp. If the rookie can't handle the backup position you're covered.
  3. I just don't want Scott on the field as a lb in the nickel, so I think we need an lb in this draft to fill that role. It seems like Lawson will take over for barnett and I would love to have seen ogletree out there too, but he could be a knucklehead and we don't need that at #8. I don't know if J Jones or D Jordan can fill that role either. So in the top three picks I think we need a wilb who can cover and do okay in run support. Other than that, qb in the 2nd, wr/te te/wr, wr/cb would be good for me. I think wr needs the most bodies but I'm not sold on patterson at 8. I don't know if he will be able to get off the line and I didn't see him going up and getting too many balls in traffic. He probably will be able to do it, but it could take some time for him to learn.
  4. I think it should be pointed out that now that the scouting department has been remade, all picks except our 7th rounder were on rosters at the end of last year. When Asper was waived by the vikes last year four teams put a claim in on him, including the bills. I will also say that players do not agree to resign with teams without believing in what the gm stands for. So changing gm's every three years will NEVER lead to a playoff team because not enough players will want to stay.
  5. My guess is it was a mental thing. If I remember correctly, the offense got more complex as the team spent time with it. I remember multiple folks (chan, fitz) talking about how much more they were going to do with the offense when they had a full offseason and how settled it was going to be not having to learn much in the third year, etc. And that was with Fitz running the show. I think TJax playing would have meant breaking the playbook down and Chan didn't want to do that unless he had to. I thought it was interesting that A Corp resigned and I get the feeling that Marrone will value athleticism over smarts on offense and that is why we are seeing some of these players not resigned while players like dickerson and b smith are still here.
  6. I know it will never happen but I would love to trade #8 (assuming geno is gone) with SF and take some of their 2013 picks off their hands and then trade back up to get a guy we like. I'm hoping they don't make a big move for a cb in FA and they like Milliner, that's probably the only way it has a chance.
  7. I think the press is going to be easier on his back than squatting. I think the important part is he is doing twice the weight he was doing last year.
  8. I think Sam Young played some guard last year after the rest of the RG's got hurt. I didn't notice him much, anyone have an opinion? We have a few tackles and could certainly stand to move him to (primarily) guard.
  9. Wouldn't it have been incentive laden to make up the money?
  10. I thought Buddy said Fitz has got to do something or the bills are going to do something because you can't pay that kind of money to a backup.
  11. I'm with you also. Jones, Lacy, qb, wr, wr would be good with me. Find the rest (te, cb, s, lb) in low cost free agents.
  12. Don't know the players well, but sure. The idea is second tier guys. I think the list would also have to include former jets/ravens defenders, so maybe Jim Leonard and/or C pace/Bart Scott? If they went for someone on the first tier maybe Ellerbee with a consolation of Pace?
  13. A cb, te and lb or two in fa would take a lot of pressure of the draft, that's for sure.
  14. To that point, I think having (and keeping) a franchise qb would mean spending a lot more money. Would season ticket holders pay more money for the care and feeding of a franchise qb? Seems like Ralph has said no they won't for most of his ownership. Seems like Brandon and Buddy are going to try and find out.
  15. Just one thing about comparing the two teams is that the Pats* have not had to face a good qb in order to win the division (since ???) and therefore I don't think they needed to worry about db as much. I will also say about Lynch that, if I remember correctly, he did not show up for any volunteer OTA's. Not the impression you want to make with a new front office and coaching staff. I've heard via interviews from of a lot of the guys that have resigned with the Bills about how they believe in what Buddy is trying to do. When you don't show up to learn the offense I think you're showing you don't care and since the new OBD had no ties to him they didn't seem too broken up about it. Regardless of talent.
  16. If he checks out between the ears, ogletree is on the field in place of Barnett which is >90% of the plays. So that has some value, although in general I agree with you that the pass rusher is more important. I just think our team will place more value on ogletree because of our needs, right or wrong.
  17. I hear most of the experts think this draft class is all about huge projects. Glennon has some raw skills that could be useful down the road so I think it matters where you get him. I have a funny feeling after missing on cousins/wilson we'll be taking a qb before we probably should, which could translate into taking Glennon in the second.
  18. My fault. I was thinking prepared as in being calm, not as in getting the pitchforks to the front porch.
  19. If you say so. If I wasn't so lazy I'd put a poll up to see how many people would be okay with Milliner at 8. I'm guessing less than 50%.
  20. The jets took Kyle wilson in the first (2010) even though they already had two starting corner's. So this board should become prepared for the possibility.
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