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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. I would say Summers (#38) is your outlet on that side. It looks like both rookies are basically pylons on the play and even though you have 3 to block 2 you're toast. It's going to be interesting to see if they both start this week.
  2. I think you should take solace in the fact that KO is not setting the bar very high and if EJ can get his confidence it will be easy for him to get on the field. I think very few people consider KO a long term solution, but with ownership changing and our front office slashing each others and the players throats right now, I suggest looking for EJ on the field will wait until we're out of the playoff race this year or possibly next year.
  3. Probably don't want to pay him next year and he was not open to a restructure, so the Bills are moving on.
  4. I agree and I have to assume he's been told to hit it up in there anyway and make the move in the hole. Which he doesn't do which is why he's not going to be resigned if this staff is in place next year.
  5. +1 I don't think Seantrel is good enough to help him either, and Wood is helping Richardson. Pears still has to do better. Question is, has Pears progressed with his technique this year? It will be interesting to see if Pears holds his starting role when C Williams gets back.
  6. I just think a solid player like Burfict keeps your team on an even keel by making tackles etc and possibly getting a big play once in a while. Kind of stops the bleeding I guess, and helps the other guys get their minds straight. But yes, he couldn't turn the tide on everything, no doubt. I do kind of wonder what leads to that type of consistent performance from players under a head coach. Heck, they've switched coordinators this year and I have to think the look and feel of the coaching staff/daily operations is a lot different. The mental lapses persist though, and Lewis becomes the common denominator. It was like that ball was a 1000 degrees last night.
  7. If I was owner of the bengals I'd have thought real hard about canning marvin lewis after that game, especially if I thought my team was good enough to go deep in the playoffs. I would be tired of watching them play like that in big games. I think they really missed Burfict also.
  8. I don't see why CJ would want to stay, this offense does not suit him well. I will be surprised if he even gives us a chance and I think the only thing that may give us a chance to keep him is if we flush the coaching staff and someone who runs an offense more suited to him is hired.
  9. To me, the lack of competition has been the biggest mistake by the front office. It seems like a college mentality toward the qb's rather than professional.
  10. I think they have crunched those numbers already because what is stopping them from doing that today? If there is more money in it, you better believe the NFL will do that in a heartbeat, regardless of local blackout rules. What if you could buy the games you want from iTunes? How much would you have to pay for a game to return the same profit? There might be a large drop in revenue if the move to a pay service was made and it didn't go well. Your advertising revenues could drop because not as many people would watch, or maybe more would go to a bar to watch, etc. The national distribution of the games is key to all that advertising money, I just don't see how that changes because the local games are televised if they aren't sold out. Those folks will instead be in front of the tv, right where those advertisers want them. I think stadiums get smaller and the ticket price goes up along with an enhanced experience at the stadium, that's all.
  11. I think the NFL had this question answered with the Thursday night games on their network, which if I remember correctly didn't go well. I think the question is what's a better outlet/money maker for the NFL, it's station or the network stations.
  12. Wasn't he the one who put the elbow into Sammy's ribs in the preseason too?
  13. This runs in a sql server database I assume? I can ask some of our folks for tuning recommendations who work with that database, I generally stay with oracle. In my experience and what I've noticed hitting the website you seem to be hitting i/o back to disk more often. If you can check i/o statistics over time that may be shown there. Since by the nature of this website you have a lot of inserts but not much other dml I don't think object rebuilds would help unless as you said there is data removed. If possible, can you add memory to the database cache? I think this could help if there has been an increase in i/o's due to the size of the underlying data. Let me know what database software you're running and I'll find out what I can.
  14. This link is who Chris Brown identifies as the eligible players by rule, the old then the new. No Gurley on it. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2014/08/21/bills-practice-squad-eligibility-list/
  15. I gonna take a stab in the dark that was Marrone's point this week when there was some yelling between him and Whaley.
  16. Tuel was backup last year too. At least he's got a year more experience?
  17. Thanks for taking the time. Is there a website that captures what you're saying with regards to the cash layout of teams and other cap related spending?
  18. According to bb.com, he is not eligible. Too many accrued years I think.
  19. I'm not so sure, NO and Pit come to mind as not. I found it ironic that NO "found" money for an over-priced play making safety when it didn't look like they were a lock to resign Graham, although NoSaint had it figured out that they would.
  20. As I alluded to above, it will be less when we have a coach for an extended period of time. It is difficult to have correct personnel decisions when the requirements change.
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