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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. I second that. I'm tired of playing for next year and I'm tired of that attitude.
  2. I don't know how some of you make it through the game, always assuming the worst is about to happen. Lighten up Francises.
  3. How can you not? Split him out? You can't be that predicable on offense. Or else don't play him at all.
  4. Then he shouldn't be playing in the NFL. Considering a lot of it is about desire, I think he should be able to do better than he has been. Sticking with Collins doesn't take special athletic ability, just mind set.
  5. Would have been useful if CJ stuck with his guy too.
  6. Sure. Over the years that's their mo - just lay down and give up. /end sarcasm
  7. I don't know who is calling the plays, but they should keep it up. I really like Dixon on first down, he's hitting the hole with power.
  8. I think they will need one of them to step up at RG because they will be starting with williams at LG. Maybe they replace Urbik with a FA, but considering we added 4 new oline last offseason, yes, if I were a gm I would expect the coaching staff to get something out of them. We have have other needs to address in the draft. Now if DM is gone, that may open the doors a little.
  9. The pittsburgh line got pushed around a lot in the past couple years but mike munchak came in and has solidified them this year. Even Mike Adams has got on the field a little. Let's put some coaching on these young guys before we throw good money after bad. After Chan's first year folks were ready to flush the line, but they came around.
  10. The back shouldn't assume anything. If he takes a step or to up the field before bouncing outside I think it helps Urbik get a better angle on the db. The db did a great job of playing outside leverage and I have no idea why Urbik tried to cut him when he has a huge weight advantage. And if Urbik does stay on his feet he would tend to get in the way of CJ getting outside without holding the db. I thought CJ would have tried to run right up Urbik's backside to maximize the gain. Shouldn't people be pissed at woods too? He didn't even touch the lb which would have opened the inside lane a little more. Even if he slows him down a step or two Pears would have had a chance to hook him or god forbid it get down the field a little more and possibly get Woodson who Hogan released too early. In the end I don't like the offense and I don't like Spiller in it. But you can't have multiple breakdowns on the same play and expect to compete. Are all our players that bad or is the coaching that bad? I'm going with coaching.
  11. Suffice to say they both didn't help each other. CJ didn't set the db up and urbik wiffed. I will say that we need a back that will take the inside seam and deliver punishment to get a few more yards. I don't think a back with that talent is on the roster, although I think Fred is the closest we have. That's if we have to endure this offense again next year.
  12. I look at it as a symptom of the coaching changes. Which is why, as somebody said tongue in cheek above, I think we will be looking for a running back like lynch and getting rid of spiller. Same thing that's happening with the oline, trying to get rid of the spread guys and replacing them with heavier plow boys. I hope that once the pegulas decide on a front office/coaching staff they get 4-6 years to make it work so we don't have to spend resources replacing serviceable players because they are not "our" type of player.
  13. I wonder if there's a trend this year. Usually the first plays are scripted and I wonder if the yards per play changes significantly after a certain number of plays.
  14. Urbik did get beat badly, but it would have been nice for Spiller to cut it up the field instead of running to the open side of the block.
  15. The player that should be available that i think could help the most would be Adrian Peterson. I think we would dump spiller and go from there. That gives KO/EJ less responsibility and we can come back to drafting a qb in 2016 if EJ cannot take the starting job from KO.
  16. If Marrone is here next year, I don't think much will be done with the line, maybe draft someone who can backup wood and could possibly fill in at guard. Adding four guys just last year tends to have the coaches thinking they can get it done with this crew given another offseason. I think it will be interesting if they resign Hairston because if they do it may mean that Kujo may not have a home. I don't know if he bends well enough to play G. Pears/Urbik are probably gone with Williams and Richardson jumping in and whoever at backup G. So Glenn, Williams, Wood, Richardson, Henderson, Kujo and maybe Hairston.(both tackles?) along with a drafted/acquired backup or two. Hope is the word.
  17. My biggest takeaway from this is that while redzone performance was a point of emphasis all off season it has not been improved and could even be worse this year. It will be interesting how far the accountability for the lack of production goes.
  18. Seems to me if you're trying to save the clock it's to get the ball back and try to score. So if you're trying that, you should kick the field goal, right? By saving all that time, they were giving KC more time to score if we put it in for a touch. For example, if we would have hit that 3rd down throw, kc would have had a lot of time on the clock to score a touchdown. The sequence baffles me, I don't understand it. I agree with the underneath stuff, would love to have seen the ball in boobies hands on a little flare pattern. Just try and stop him with a head of steam. Something it seems the Pats* do with regularity, not putting themselves in long down and distance.
  19. ??? Maybe after their 2nd contract is up, but they tend to keep those top drafted guys at that position. When they get long of tooth or overpriced they either get a restructure or let them test the market.
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