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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. I am hoping with the trades we can get a comp pick or even two. This is the first year under the pegulas and they seem to value draft picks with the sabres, so...
  2. Looks like he (almost) pulled Matt Moore out of the article after the Cassell deal was made.
  3. I think you get to make another 5th round draft pick unless you're using that to move up.
  4. I think the Locker part *may* be. The overall implication is we will sign someone of that caliber on the first day of free agency and then cut EJ after securing that "new to us" qb.
  5. This is difficult to comprehend (not that I don't believe you) because it seems the folks who didn't like him as much have left the building and Whaley was always talking him up. Although EJ could be close enough to the 16 game rule for a decision to be made I guess.
  6. The way you guys win the most games next year is with Ryan Fitzpatrick who knows chan's offense and a good wr in the draft. Good luck.
  7. I agree with most of this. I didn't see him react well to pressure but there wasn't a ton of game film on him out there. I thought what EJ put on tape in college was better than what Petty did. I would not take Petty in the second in any circumstances, just too much of a system guy, not good under pressure and in the pros he's throwing a lot more picks. But it just takes one, see Johnny Manziel.
  8. My favorite is St Louis, they have a need and a coach not afraid to take him on.
  9. I think the comment is referring to the two inside linebacker positions. I wonder if AW will move to strong and Graham or a "Rex" veteran will play free.
  10. I think the big unknown with the oline is coaching and scheme. It's been implied that some of the guys will fit reps scheme better than they fit Marrones which seems odd. We saw a regression in their play, and if dw blames that on the former employees he may ride it out with the guys he has, at least through the first group of otas.
  11. I'm really hoping we play one qb the first half of the year and then a second qb for the rest. That way opposing defenses will not have enough tape/time to fully stop either one. We need to think out of the box in order to overcome our deficit and that's one way to do it.
  12. I've found that looking at a posters history, even if short, is usually a pretty good indicator of intent. In this case I think it was so I would think it's not too much to ask folks to go through that history to get a feel for the poster, especially for how much RI had been talked about on here. And I don't think it's anything against you NO, I think questioning is good but the issue is being dismissive. Similar to just sitting in a bar and discussing it.
  13. i'll be interested to see what type of qb they bring in. A combo of Bradford/Matt Moore is very different from Tyrod Taylor and RG3. And remember people, we have two qb's on this roster so just because we bring someone in doesn't mean they're starting. And as far as I'm concerned, we need bodies and the more talent we get the better off we are. Let the coaches work with them. It's time for "new coach, new qb (and all positions) competition time" - again. Yea.
  14. I think as long as he's healthy and winning he'll want to play. I hope the bills will be integral to his decision to retire earlier than he wants to.
  15. Yes, but it's part of the game at this point. Twitter, all the social media, fans want to hear from players even more now is my point.
  16. Unfortunately it is so far gone thousands of fans were paying $28.50 a piece to be there.
  17. Sounds like a toddler to me, lots of parents have had a go around with this type of behavior. If it bothers him so much he shouldn't play or just pay the fine. The media is part of the NFL and one of the reasons for all the money he gets paid.
  18. Do you know if he wore knee braces, especially for the second one?
  19. I'm not going be surprised if they sign Pears over Hairston because he's been healthier during his career. I am thinking a two year deal as a backup with incentives. He will have more time to work on his technique (he moved to guard late in the preseason last year) and hopefully get some better coaching. As you said, his age may cause that not to happen, but I won't be on here wailing about it. To me it looks like Glenn, Williams, Wood, Urbik, Henderson with Kujo, Richardson and Pears/Hairston to start the offseason with.as the primary Oline. Not saying they won't add another guy or two, but since Whaley has had a hand in a lot of these guys it may be very similar in July. I think Rivers and probably one of the te's will go, Wynn doesn't get resigned. I also think Boobie is at risk depending on how Roman views him from their time in sf. There was a reason Boobie left SF, and SF kept drafting guys so I assume Roman doesn't see much value in Boobie. I really hope we will get to a point where we try to resign our own guys and not bring in many FA's, more like what Pittsburgh does. That means sticking with a coach and front office personnel longer to provide the stability to get guys signed to their second contract.
  20. It will be interesting to see who Chan gets as his qb. I don't know if either of the guys there will do well in the offense. If I remember correctly Fitz was learning it for at least a couple offseasons until he had full command of it. Vick might be able to pick it up relatively quickly, but it could be difficult for Geno being so young.
  21. The only thing I have observed about how they felt was bringing in Jordan Palmer in the preseason. He is certainly a mentor type qb and was not a threat to start. It seemed like Marrone complained that he needed someone who could push and/or start because EJ wasn't ready and he didn't want to put EJ on the field yet. So Orton was brought in as an upgrade to Palmer in the short term interest of winning. It will be interesting to see who they bring in. I hope they bring in someone who could start and someone to push Tuel also.
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