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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. That was my first thought too. It will be interesting to see how they read the numbers.
  2. Browns moved down a couple times a few years ago - didn't help much because you still have to pick quality players.
  3. Assuming teams can get their "best player in the draft" for the cost of the #3 player.
  4. That's pretty awesome right there, hopefully we will keep learning about the disease and how to treat it.
  5. That's my point about a pass, a completion is good and incompletion is bad. But there are many datapoints that effect the result and I don't understand how you collect and assess them to come up with a value added result beyond what could be determined by a person. Not saying it can't be done, just seems like a larger set of variables than baseball because of the team nature of the sport including a playbook etc. Also for example, a few years ago Kavika (sp?) Mitchell was called out on twitter for not making a play in the pass defense. It certainly looked like it could have been his fault but according to him it was not his responsibility. How do you assess a player when you don't know the responsibilities and how well they were followed?
  6. I would add: for some owners. Some owners don't pay for top notch coaching staffs, let alone money for additional or not proven back office folks.
  7. I'll laugh if it ends up like the Chip Kelly experiment in Philly, done in a couple years. I think it has a chance to work if for no other reason the primary voice in the decision is not influenced by anyone else's opinion. But he's got to be able to draft, that will be the bottom line. Of course, the last few years the front office has set that bar on the floor so it shouldn't be hard to hurdle.
  8. I don't know how he's going to get the data to a level where it's going to help. So in the case of an incompletion how do you capture the factors that led to it? I understand it could be done, but you're talking about a ton of man hours by people who understand what they're looking at. Edit: didn't see where they are going to use chips - but still, difficult to determine intent. Like the guys wasn't the most open, but he was open enough.
  9. I feel bad for the kid, he can throw people open and make a lot of nfl throws. OSU's offense was not suited to him, sort of like Rex's D wasn't suited to Mario. Very rough techniquewise though. I won't be surprised if he is off the board by 49.
  10. I think it usually takes a rookie qb in the same system until the third year to have a really good idea how to run the system. Seems like first year is the "don't give him too much year" that can lead to decent stats and wins if the defense and running game is good, the second is the "let's throw more at him" and there is some faltering as the mental part of the game is expanded and ironed out. Hopefully with TT's additional experience he will accelerate the curve but I think it will be tough for him to play well enough to deserve a really big contract (by qb standards).
  11. I don't know dude, those top three are each going to cost more than that. We could push the money into other years but I don't know if thats the best thing to do. May only get Gilmore and Taylor signed.
  12. Sell the email list to a spammer. And don't do anything illegal in the front yard.
  13. Thank you Terry and Kim. Looking forward to more cases like this working out for us.
  14. Fitz is a starting caliber qb who cannot be relied upon to win a game in crunch time. There is value to that, but not top end value because you need to pay other players to win the game for you. At this point in his career I can't believe he and the Jets are not able to find common ground for a contract.
  15. If I'm Andrew Luck I don't sign a contract unless Grigson is gone. A career is a terrible thing to waste.
  16. Suprised Fitz wouldn't stay with gailey, they must have really low balled him.
  17. Just a question - since the Pats* don't have a first round pick this year, would they even be allowed to sign Glenn?
  18. Is that Andrew Luck's little brother?
  19. Probably not sending Roman a christmas card, ever.
  20. If Whaley is channeling his inner steelers I doubt this gets done because he will not want to commit the years or money to RI that someone will on the open market. I'm okay with that, because OBD valuations of their players has been solid recently. Just need to do some more work in the personnel department with those 2nd/3rd tier guards and get someone they feel will develop into a starter and let the coaching make it work.
  21. So even though Woods played the position well in 2014, we still felt we needed Harvin in 2015 and were willing to pay him 6 mill given the risk. Don't know if this is an endorsement of Woods or not.
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