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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. That certainly is the best business decision.
  2. And I think that's where the Bills will value him in contract talks, a middle of the road backup. I think it would be silly of him not to try going somewhere else to be a starter, and I assume if he relays those thoughts to the Bills they may not even offer him a contract and just say good luck.
  3. I think it's more that the coaches are putting him in a better place to use the abilities he has. To his credit I think he has gotten better with the sideline throws but in the end he doesn't seem changed too much to me.
  4. I don't know if I'd include Wood and not Jerry Hughes, but then again I'm not John Clayton.
  5. I agree, but he needs to make the roster at ST, not be on the practice squad.
  6. Hate to say to it, but I hope not. I don't think I'd want a hopeful special teamer on the PS.
  7. I really don't understand why they don't require qb's to wear knee braces on both legs. If it's so important to the game that they are protected, the qb's should be required to wear whatever gear makes them less susceptible to injury. I would think it makes this call where contact is initiated above the knees but the act of tackling brings the defender lower easier to not make.
  8. This front office seems to be doing an above average job in drafting players. The energy between Whaley and Rex seems to be working well.
  9. It was a while ago so hopefully he's made some changes in his life.
  10. http://www.post-gazette.com/local/city/2013/04/04/Steelers-lineman-Ta-amu-pleads-guilty-in-drunken-South-Side-rampage/stories/201304040217
  11. C'mon it's Mayhem, he brings whatever he wants to bring and you like it!
  12. I can't believe this wasn't brought up already - It's Mayhem time!!!!
  13. Big C has a good list but wanted to add I noticed Valles' athleticism a couple times. Maybe he can get thrown into the fire and help us out at olb. I thought Groy could have missed a couple assignments, especially on the one sack. I also thought Cardale made plays, but for example on the last td pass it looked like someone (hankerson) broke to the deep corner for an easy td but cardale didn't see him. The nice thing is cardale has the arm talent to throw a bullet on the money to make it all better. He looked like he did in college; with his feet under him he can make some plays. There were some bad throws in there too along with some bad decisions. I feel more comfortable with him being a backup next year at this point. By the end of his rookie contract we may have a big decision to make. Hopefully it will be an easy one.
  14. I think #49 might be on the first cut train too, can't stay on his feet.
  15. Might need to work on his strength to help him get off blocks better. By the way 26cb, thanks for the streaming link upstream
  16. Thanks Astro. Just sitting here at work watching my linux/database upgrades and this is providing some much needed non-technical viewing.
  17. I'm beginning to wonder if all rodak does is get a copy of the roster and check off guys he doesn't see.
  18. I'll bet most of the team will be laughing at him once they go over the film.
  19. At least we know the reporters will have to pay attention when Cardale is throwing the ball.
  20. I know the NFL is the common scapegoat here, but really the NFLPA should have been doing this for a long time now. Not to mention they should be fighting for the health of their current players. Goodell should not be seen as the point man for player safety.
  21. I think Woods ran an nice route and did not allow the defender to get to the flat. The slot defender definitely lost sight of everything except Woods as evidenced by his two or so drunk steps after Woods went by him, but that is a nice route combo and should have been a first down. I agree that given the circumstances Hogan should have fought or at least dove for the first down considering the clock would have stopped.
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