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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. Cutler's personality with that fan base and media? Dumpster full of tires type of fire!
  2. I'm not taking urban Meyer's advice about an nfl qb unless I need an h-back or wr, thank you. He's proven that over the years.
  3. Sorry I only made it through the first half of the posts, but when I watched Watson (just a couple games, Pitt, OSU) he didn't seem to go through progressions. As I was watching him I thought "one look Watson". What did you think about that? He is a special athlete but may be suited to the Terrell Pryor career path.
  4. Hopefully Seantrel will be able to get healthy this offseason and make an impact next season.
  5. Golly, you mean if we take the time to develop players - sometimes they actually develop? And I don't agree with moving Glenn, you committed to him as your LT, leave him there. If Kujo can't cut it at RT (for whatever reason) offer him a swing tackle contract and move on if you must. Of course, now that Kromer's gone we may start another rinse and repeat cycle.
  6. Confusing, and Clay would be a lot happier camper if Cutler was here.
  7. Seems like we could be getting the Andy Reid offense, maybe there's a guy on KC's staff that's being targeted for OC. Get Maclin and/or D Jackson to help...
  8. The same scheme for more than two years would be helpful too.
  9. If we don't want to develop a qb, we'll never develop a qb.
  10. He did an awesome job of putting the ball on zeke at osu, so there's that.
  11. I was wondering if they going to pull robey. Roberson got him.
  12. You're wondering why a guy who entered the season as an rb coach is having problems being an oc/head coach today?
  13. I'm going to say with a brand new boss and the "team" decisions that were being made up until this point he played his cards close to the vest. From the Pegula organizational structure of the last two years it is clear DW was not trusted to run things by himself. With DW leading the coaching search I am hoping the structure changes and DW will either show he can do it or we'll rinse and repeat again in 3 or so years.
  14. Ecstatically looking for their flack jackets.
  15. He should have never signed that contract tying him to the colts
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