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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. Just get them out of the house asap, it's too late for you.
  2. They mentioned on nfl network that mayock would re-order the qbs as necessary after all their pro days were complete.
  3. I don't think he changes our draft plans, just a nice combination of Hunter and Easley.
  4. That's a rule to live by. If you get a hangover drinking a particular brand or type, find something similar that will not give you a headache.
  5. Now add a third round pick and call it a position group.
  6. The dust has settled guys are just looking for a job, they'll be plenty of them around.
  7. Yes, i would rather bring in talented guys instead of letting them go and if the coaching sucks we would have more talent via higher draft picks to bring to another coach. So instead here we are again in between defenses hoping or projecting how guys can play in the new defense. And in two to three years we'll be in the same boat paddling up the same creek. Coaches and qbs don't happen by accident. Cleveland had BB and let him go. Chances are we would have too. How can anyone succeed in this environment? Cardale jones takes a step back this year because he has to learn another offense or worse yet he isn't the right type of qb to develop for this offense. That's ok, we'll just draft another qb or two this year and really give McDermott someone to work miracles with.
  8. Qbs no, coaches maybe. Mularkey is doing well, maybe marrone or lynn. I don't know if many of them really had a chance. I think we're starting to see good coaches not even putting their hat in the ring for some jobs because of the expectations. Look at how many coaching candidates Cleveland went through before they settled on Pettine. My point with keeping Rex, that does not stop us from acquiring talent. But moving on is detrimental to how we use our draft resources. I would rather tank with a bad coach and make good use of the draft than spending draft picks treading water because we haven't hit the qb lottery.
  9. My point being you cannot establish a complete roster via the draft if you are changing coaches frequently. Looking at our current roster we have a lot of the high value positions filled, assuming tt is kept - LT, QB, pass rushers. But we let current and past players like NRC, Duke Cockrell, etc go because they aren't scheme fits. And any coach wants scheme fits whether they admit it or not; they all come in and say they can win with the players we have but subsequent OBD actions do not reflect that philosophy because good to decent players get cut every time. How do you build depth through the draft that way? You get what we've had here for the last 17 years, churning mediocrity. So now you draft guys for need instead of having drafts where you can take chances on players like development qb's. You need that run stopping lb in the second enough to give up a couple draft picks to get him. You can't let the board come to you because you have a hole in a starting position. Keeping Rex around may have led to spectacular failure in 2017, maybe not. Seems like we could have gotten a couple DB's this year that would have made the loss of AW/SG less of an issue, if Rex would have even let SG walk. Rex got very little support from the 2016 draft class due to injury which is unfortunate. But keeping Rex would have changed who we kept and didn't keep on the roster and that in turn would have changed our needs for this draft. I think there would have been fewer vital needs and therefore less of a reason to go up and get a player versus dropping back and picking up more picks. I think this year we would have needed less FA's and that effects the compensatory picks the following year. So as I see it the coaching changes directly effect the number of picks you have and how you use them. I hope McDermott is afforded the time to build a roster of his players before getting dumped, if for no other reason that we will have an entire roster that is picked for the same scheme. We need to get out of this drafting for need loop. Is McDermott the right guy? I don't know, but if we want to make good use of draft resources we need to give him more than two or even three years.
  10. Can I have "changing coaches every other year" please alex?
  11. If I remember correctly, if we trade him in the three day window (mar 9-11) before we pick up the option, we're off the hook. It's been discussed in a thread around here somewhere. I really think the bills are going to let the deadline come and go with no action, all the while enjoying the rabble go rabble rabble rabble.
  12. He will get hammered heavily either way until we win more, and then a little less. Lots of opinions out there. I am hoping the Pegulas have the backbone to give OBD a few years to get the organization pulling in one direction. We need that stability to build depth and hopefully take some shots at some players that aren't driven by need.
  13. Sorry, I'm not looking to do what the Jets are doing at qb, I'd rather follow the Steelers big ben model. You take your shot with tt, there are plenty of other contracts that can be adjusted to get players. We are not living with the "cash-to-cap" crap anymore. You lookout for a qb and take one if he's a good value, but no tanking for a pipe dream. Things change during the course of a season.
  14. Did you mean to reply to Barley instead of me? I didn't mention expense. It's not a concern for me with regard to tt, I think the numbers are manageable if we want to commit to him for 2-3 years. Which I think we should, until we find someone better. We need to give Mac daddy something to work with to turn the culture around here.
  15. Developing is different when you are working off game tape every week instead of watching the starter play, and is hindered to some degree by changing offenses. Keep TT starting, cardale backing up and draft a guy in the 2nd or later if the value is there. TT runs the risk of getting injured anyway and cardale will get some game reps if that happens to determine if he can do it or not. If he can we're good, if he can't we'll get a higher draft pick. My only concern with that is the difference in styles between tt and cj, so I might be tempted to bring in a veteran if dumping tt or rookie if dumping cj that come closer in style so there is a more seemless transition to the backup qb. Not a requirement, but I think Dennison would prefer to rework the offense as little as possible in case of injury.
  16. You can't believe anything coming out of any front office for the next month or so. So relax.
  17. I think it will be tough for them to commit to Sammy and another first round wr long term, so unless they don't think Sammy is worth a second contract you don't make that selection. I agree though it would probably be the best scenario to win next year.
  18. Well that's one way to get Cardale some reps and get him 16 games so we can tell if he's any good. I'm sure Whaley would like Cardale to earn the starting spot, doubt he will. If he starts we find out if he can handle it and if not we have a high first round draft pick next year assuming we don't trade it away before then. Team morale would be in the crapper, but we'd have a shot at a top qb, so there's that.
  19. I agreed with taking ej in the first too, didn't want to take a chance someone scooped him up late first/early second.
  20. Sure, I agree, I was just thinking if they weren't close Gilmore wouldn't be in Boca is all. Regardless of the number, I would think it's in his agent's hands until it's time to finish the contract. I thought contracts are usually signed at the front office, so I'm just trying to think why Gilmore would be down there. Maybe just a family vacation.
  21. Do you think they'd drag him down there for that? I assume his agent would have said don't bother if the sides weren't kind of close.
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