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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. He would be a nice security blanket for Josh, just don't know if he'll be the best talent on the board at 9.
  2. Seems like he'll be a top 5 lineman on our team and will be able to any position except center. Good signing to keep teams guessing on our draft strategy. Even if we get d williams there will be room for him somewhere along the line.
  3. The only player I can see the Steelers moving for is a mlb because they have not replaced Shazier yet. I think they still want to get it done with Big Ben, they have always drafted to win this year with their high picks. Taking a stab with Rudolph in the third was surprising.
  4. That's telling me either they don't feel it's worth trying to get a qb in the first round this year.
  5. Always seemed to have his opponent irritated at the end of the play, probably not a bad guy to have on your side.
  6. I'd rather take a chance on OL/lb/cb/wr depth in the fourth and fifth rounds. After that sure, but I'd rather just replace Murphy with someone who's a weapon catching the ball out of the backfield and can block.
  7. My wife had it done around 2002 and has enjoyed it. We did TLC I think? It was the same one Tiger Woods had done, I was okay spending the extra money considering. I had a buddy go a cheap route and he ended up having issues which he actually had to go get corrected in Florida. I guess the guy down there was the best and my buddy wasn't taking any more chances. Luckily it worked out for him.
  8. I've heard around Pittsburgh: "Yeah but we should have won the game by more!"
  9. We need a TBD"s collective head exploding emoji for that!
  10. How is this different fro something that Seattle has done? They too were bringing in anyone to try and find the guy. They just got lucky with Wilson. You have to evaluate and keep trying. I would expect our FO to do the same if we had many of the pieces together. And how many of the receivers Flacco has played with were awesome. I don't remember many, maybe an old steve smith and one other guy? A new start might just be what Flacco needs.
  11. I'd suggest converting kelvin Benjamin, he just needs a little work on in line blocking.
  12. It makes sense from that perspective, but my concern is special teams. Looks like we will carry 3 QB's so that leaves less space and it doesn't seem like we even have a good core of ST'ers at this point. It's a tradeoff and in the end if Davis wants to be here it has a chance, just puts more pressure on the new ST coach.
  13. Go fund me info is in this story https://www.post-gazette.com/ae/tv-radio/2019/01/30/Tom-Brady-Known-Cheater-graphic-KDKA-Fires-Employee/stories/201901300114?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook_Pittsburgh_Post-Gazette&fbclid=IwAR2vIqgNteZqnc-Xj9mnK9kLWvPAMRjsn4hFD_4wqZ9JTyaAzX5wb6OL1GU
  14. I don't remember him sitting next to Josh on the bench as much down the stretch. I noticed Culley early in the season in the first place because he seemed to be chewing gum like a mad man but not talking to Josh. I thought that might be indicative of an issue.
  15. Draft a guy, bring in a FA. If you feel comfortable with the other TE's on the roster offer Clay a restructure for what his value is to the Bills and if he doesn't want to, cut him. If he's still the best on the team going into camp, keep him. Hopefully they learned this from handling Ritchie.
  16. Yep, "it's still fun while I'm winning". We need to do are part to convince him it's time to go. Although I am in the camp that he is not the GOAT and that NE* will be in the hunt for the division as long as BB is there. BB has done it with a variety of QB's so the challenge will be there for as long as he is. Brady is just a master of the system, on any other team he wouldn't be much.
  17. To a point, but then you bump against the cap and the decisions regarding player talent become more difficult. I would say it's more important for the coaches to get middling talent performing when (hopefully) we get to the stage where we can't keep all our talented players.
  18. It will be interesting to see, but I don't know what type player Bobby is looking for to make an educated guess. Miller had shown promise at one point; Groy and Mills could get signed as backup depth. I would say Ducasse has the greatest chance of not being back since he seemed to be riding with Juan. I understand your point, and far be it for Beane to admit the guys he has on the roster just sucked, but if mcbeane thought the talent overachieved Juan would still be here. Between the "edge" comments and what Dawkins was saying about this year seems to point to the smoking gun.
  19. I guess I choose my words unclearly, I meant when I read the quote it sounds like the coaching did not get the most out of the available talent. Maybe guarantees were made before the season like "I can get it done with Vlad" or whatever and it just didn't happen. I don't know what went on, but there was enough to say that castillo's efforts were no longer required for the team.
  20. They fired the oline coach so I don't think the lines need to be read between. They will hopefully get some new players, but "being in sync" and not meshing seems like a coaching issue to me. I didn't, nor did I say I did.
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