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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. We'll know if the words will translate to action by where he ends up come week one.
  2. I looked a little bit and never saw any info, but do you know exactly how the neck injury happened? Was it something like Sterling Sharpe's injury or hitting the ground?
  3. For me, at this point, I would rather have DK than Singletary and Knox. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
  4. If they didn't want to give him a chance I think they would have moved him by now.
  5. I like the move because he can be the third down back as well as fill in for injures. Just need a PS player that might be able to fill in if needed.
  6. Hoping to go to @pittsburgh (live locally) and @cleveland, depending on ticket price/availability.
  7. I for one would love to see Metcalf, Brown and Beasley on the field at the same time. I think that changes how a defense will approach Josh and probably keep more defensive people away from the line of scrimmage which will also help his underneath game develop. I understand the risks but it will take a wr some time to develop and it would be better to get him sooner rather than later. I don't want a TE at 9. A first round TE is a nice pick after you have a playoff season since most of the higher priority positions are filled with enough talent. Probably the reason why we haven't had a good TE lately. In the end, it feels like we're probably looking at pass rushing DE as the most likely pick. Even though we lost Kyle, it seems in the next couple years the DE position will have the most change because I can't see them really thinking it's set either this year or for the future. Hughes, Lawson, Murphy and Yarbough could really use a young talented player before any of the other needs we have.
  8. I would not mind seeing Lawrence and star in front of Edmunds, if Lawrence is as athletic as simms is describing.
  9. They have(S holmes Polamalu) , but not recently. I think they were disappointed when the deal with the Bills for AB and the swap of firsts fell through. With Ben's time running out and a hole in the middle of their defense it will be interesting to see if Colbert does something. Low possibility they will come up, granted, but you never know.
  10. Go to the top right part of page and hit the pulldown. Under "Settings" go to "Account Settings" then Display Name.
  11. Oh my, let`s not get into the Cockrell debacle again! The angst that was thrown around on this board about such a clearly awful move, wow, pages and pages of angst. After Russ got his second All-pro nod in three seasons as a steeler, my goodness, folks were throwing themselves onto flaming tables while simultaneously trying to drown women in alcohol using the curious method of pouring it down their backside. Times like these are better left forgotten for fear of the next massive personnel failure.
  12. I see that being a bigger deal than brady retiring.
  13. Doesn't seem like the ST slot is available because of roberts this year, we've added in his area of value (speed) and he's going to be hard pressed to make it even without us drafting a wr. So with drafting one he's going to be lucky to make the practice squad.
  14. Point of clarity please, is that Friday the day, or Friday's, short for TGI Friday's and long for where you have lunch every day? ?
  15. Between that article and the one on incognitio returning, I thought I was reading the onion or some other parody site.
  16. Through his trade ups, it seems like Beane has created/used his surplus draft capital for the current year, not the future. It will be interesting to me to see if/when he trades up because he doesn't have all the additional picks this year so either that philosophy will change or we will get a clearer picture of what Beane values. Given that we have a qb now, I think it's more likely we stand at 9 and take the best player for us. I also don't see us trading down because we need more talent now that we have filled the potholes in the roster with some cold patch.
  17. Well, at least Culley won't have to worry about hitching his wagon to Nate Peterman anymore.
  18. I may have a chance with the local high school, and we have a turf field. I don't know if I will be able to practice there because of after school sports, but I am hoping to play games there. The grass practice fields are used year round, in the spring they use them for softball and track. The turf would be nice for the kids and we won't have to worry about cancelling if the weather is wet. I don't see us using the turf this spring because the season starts April 7th and I think permission would probably have to go through the school board. Your thoughts on that? Here is an example of my frustration with the rec board. Over the years the one field at the park seems to be slowly sinking (the creek overflows onto it in the spring) so at some point we will have to bring in a tri-axle or two of dirt to stop the puddles from causing us to cancel games. I will expect the same support I got after a rec board event put deep ravines in one of the fields from a fire truck (I was the president of the club at the time) - nothing. I did make a deal with the guy who works at the park and gave him a $50 gift certificate to help spread the 40+ tons of dirt with a front loader, and was expressly told that needed to be between me and him. The only thing I'll say about the local football program is if you want a successful high school program you need those feeder leagues well run so they can deliver kids to you. If you, the school board and the parents don't care about winning then no worries. Really can't blame you though, no need to offer it if the rules can't be respected. It's interesting the high school coach wouldn't have told them to get their stuff straight since he will be the one effected if the pipeline of talented kids dries up. Sorry to ramble, this stuff really gets to me because I try to make things nice for the kids and it seems like I just get kicked in the nuts for caring. One of the reasons I had to step down from being the president.
  19. Well, Saturdays and Sundays are gamedays, so we're okay there. The clubs play on separate days by design of the state soccer association. As I mentioned earlier, the my local area has recently come into extra cash due to fracking, not to mention they have recently added a gazebo for $50 grand and rent that for $50 a pop. I think I've seen it used twice in the 4 years it's been around. They are going to put an ampitheater in this year, don't know how much that's running, I'm sure I could find out if I really want to.
  20. I would never publicly condone something like this, do you think I'm some kind of idiot? Cue dc tom
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