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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. You can also bring it up by hovering over the username (above their avatar) and choose ignore user, it then puts you at line 6. Also, don't forget to save!
  2. Yeah, your hammy and acl kind of work on the same side of your knee to stabilize it, like the PCL and quad do on the other side. The ACL is a ligament so it won't bleed. Pete, after you get healed up, you may find that your hamstring is a little weaker now, you may want to work on strengthening it a little more. Start slowly of course and check it against your right leg with single leg curls or similar. Full disclosure, I am not a doctor or anything, I have a partially torn PCL from college athletics and I did tear my hamstring 10 or so years after that. I thought the hamstring was a pull until when my ex-SIL started on a massage career, needed patients for class and she could feel the remnants of the tear in my muscle.
  3. Blood/bruise is indicitive of a tear, more than a pull. Confused about the calf connection, hammies connect to the same side of your knee as the acl ligament but not directly to the calf. Sounds like you should see someone to get the entire scope of your issue.
  4. You're really wondering if he took the meaning of your words the wrong way?
  5. I think this would also work well with many areas of ineffective government agencies. There has been a stagnation that cries out for a reset in a lot of places. I was hoping that the last couple of presidents would take something like this to heart.
  6. It struck me because my MIL called the outcome well before it went to trial, I think right after the officer was arrested. I don't know how much the laws change by locality but I assume there are some differences in this area. Seems like it is possible to move the law away from actions like this, just might be a correction the other way at some point. I'm on the fence about it. It's certainly a sad situation and unfortunate on many levels. Really some of the change can be to reel this type of incident in by not authorizing deadly force unless there is imminent danger, but there are trade-offs obviously. We have a citizen's review board as well because of past incidents. The gypsy cop thing seems to be something that to me should be changed. It reminds me of the Catholic priest child abuse that was happening in the sense that these guys can just go from place to place as long as they don't get fired. There are some other measures that can be implemented as a baseline for all departments, someone just needs to get the list together and apply it consistently across the country.
  7. This is a synopsis of the incident, very high level. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Antwon_Rose_Jr.
  8. My MIL was a trainer for the local city cops.We had a shooting around here where a suspect was fleeing and was shot in the back and killed. I talked to her about it and she said the police were trained to do that because they are protecting the rest of the population from an armed aggressor. The key part being the suspect was armed and in this case that does seem to be in question. So how do you confirm the suspect is armed? The guy doing the shooting doesn't seem to be able to, assuming he's going on the reports he heard getting to the scene. Maybe more verification of possession of a weapon is needed before using deadly force, but if there is a time when a cop could have taken a guy down and didn't that results in an innocent life lost that's not a good outcome either. The easy thing is to not run from the cops if they think you might have a gun.
  9. Well, if he didn't kick the pro ball particularly well that would have caused him issues and obviously the 32 nfl teams teams did not think he would upgrade their roster. I'm glad the ncaa granted him the ability to go back to school.
  10. What is going on behind him? On the left is that a belly? What's on the top right, a wanker?
  11. You could get a squirrel baffle too, that way you don't have to remember to put the vaseline on regularly.
  12. I'm out on Adams. My money is on him acting more like Sammy Watkins in Buffalo than a professional football player. He has physical talent though. I don't see Nsekhe gone unless they can find someone else to back up Dawkins. I'd be surprised if Bates becomes that guy this year. Wanted to add I don't think the opportunities will be as plentiful for non-53 oline (and others) this offseason. On top of the virus cutting some of the teaching time short, if our coaches are serious about making a playoff run I think they will work the top seven guys in camp and just make the best of the rest.
  13. Count me in for this as a best case scenario too, it will mean Williams and Ford are performing well enough to supplant the others. The only issue might be the RT spot could be injury prone, but if needed Ford could go out there for some more learnin'.
  14. First time in my life I saw a scarlet tanager this weekend while at a state park in the area. Seems like they stay in the canopy of the forest mostly, so it was kind of cool to see it. I had no idea what it was when I saw it, thought it looked like a red instead of yellow canary finch.
  15. Umm, let's not hurt his feelings - he's vegetable challenged.
  16. Why torch that bridge? He's from the area and if he wants to play after Brady hangs it up, maybe he comes up to play. If there's any residual feelings tre should work it out with him.
  17. Was kind of hoping the author provided a couple of qbs on a parallel path to Josh and compare/contrast their situations. Josh is getting there and hopefully he can trust Diggs et al more this year. I still think we could use a good te, I've always thought once you have a playoff caliber roster you can spend some draft capital on one. Maybe next year.
  18. If you put the title of yout thread INto the search function what do you see?
  19. And really to get enough practice time in Wade would have to spend less time practicing with the offense, there's only one place he can be at a time. I also hope if he doesn't make the 53 they just put him on the regular PS so he might have a chance to play considering his age.
  20. There's a difference between loving to play the game and being a professional football player. The competition he will face both from his oline teammates as well as from our defensive front should open his eyes. I think his technique isn't good, but when he plays against smaller guys it looks better than it actually is. That's why his feet look slow when he plays against better competition. For example, if you had 4-6 inches on another person, it would be easier for you to impose your will him. I think he's a very long shot. It will be easier for him to get injured again and blame it all on that.
  21. I was aware of the coat issue on the sidelines in college, but did not hear/remember about the joke made in the Bills interview. To me, it seemed like the coach had told him not to wear the coat in the locker room but Ed did anyway. But that's my opinion. In any case, the actions of the clubs are the deciding factor. If you had asked me before the draft if Trey would have been drafted I wouldn't have had much of a clue, the interview was just some smoke. Since he wasn't, that means the interview was the tip of the iceburg and teams who do all the other research into character etc found enough to not take him. Even if his drop had just been about injury there should have been a taker on day 3 considering the facilities available to professional players. That didn't happen. In Ed's case, the Bills' research put the joke in context, and that context did not stop the Bills from taking Ed. If the Bills had uncovered evidence of a personality trait they did not like then he would not have been taken by us. I said this in another post, but I think Trey will be a test for the culture we have. He needs to go out there and compete, which means every day and I hope our team can bring it out in him. This won't be college where he was big enough to impose his will on people and not work on his strength and technique. I also don't see releasing a hype video as a great start to a professional career when the league's teams have already told you they don't value you enough to spend a draft pick on you. As with the draft, I don't know if Trey will make the 53 or practice squad or we'll find a way to get him on IR, but what the Bills do with him will tell me how seriously he is taking this opportunity.
  22. One answer, in a job interview that is know for whacky questions and where you have time to prepare as well as people to help you prepare? What does that say about his commitment? What would you do if you were interviewing someone for any job and they came back with that answer? Would you want to stake your job and your team on that type of attitude? How about if you had the interview for your dream job and you said that? I'm sure the NFL teams did additional research on him to try and vet all that out and whatever they found was enough for them to take him either off their list or so far down he didn't get picked. Given the circumstances, yeah, it's enough for me.
  23. He's going to be a test of our culture, because it seems like he's been coasting in college. Injuries can mean lack of preparedness and so can answering a question like that with future employers listening. Hopefully he'll pull his head out of his ass long enough to earn a spot on the practice squad. The team culture should be his best shot to turn it around, some of our vets will hopefully get in his grill if he brings weak effort.
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