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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. If you autologin with chrome, you should be able to access the passwords via the settings menu after clicking on the three dots in the top right hand corner.
  2. Any cracks in your plaster/paint? Mark them with a pencil to look for change. Probably would help to try and get some commonalities when you hear the sound most. Morning, night, after rain or sunshine; hot/cold water running etc.. You should be able to tell where electrical and water lines are roughly by going in the basement. Would probably be tough to smell ozone from an electrical arc through the wall. Anything that can help someone find a source. You've done some remodeling, maybe something with that work is causing an issue. As far as the siding, is that newer? Maybe the nails have the siding too tight to the house and when the temp changes there is some noise due to expansion/contraction. Did the old owner do their own work? Have you been finding things that just aren't done correctly in general? The main electrical wire needing replaced (assuming outside the house) seems like a pretty big deal, it's pretty tough to damage one and get away without having some type of shock.
  3. Hopefully we'll exercise it this year with a lot of extra traffic for the wins we're going to stack up. I'll try to be around tomorrow, not that I can help much, but if something comes up throw it out there. Seems like there is enough of a cross section of tech folks here to come up with something.
  4. I looked into ssd's vs hdd's a little bit for my enterprise db servers and the drives are designed to last a number of write operations which makes redundancy useless because you would have two drives fail instead of just one. It's just tough for folks like me who have relied on redundancy with spinning disks to let go of that standard, especially because it makes us responsible if there is a physical failure that redundancy would have saved. I haven't seen numbers for the reliability of the ssd's in an enterprise class server vs hdd's, it just seems like the price/value make the ssd's the goto drive at this point. Nvme's are especially fast.? For this site, I would lean toward the ram and processor speed giving your users a much larger bang for your buck. Hopefully someone would monitor the drives for errors and be able to address an issue before it becomes a 5 alarm fire. The other side is how much of a pain would it be to recover from an ssd failure for you. Might be worth having the ability to run with a bad drive and not have to deal with any recovery even if failure is a long shot.
  5. Sal's audience is not the team. Hopefully you had a couple more and called it a night.
  6. I'm glad he's squashing the two kicker thing, it really doesn't make any sense to carry two.
  7. Why not NE** for a year? They are flush with Covid cash and lost a lot on D.
  8. In the same way a keeper would wearing the number 62. Just doesn't fit the norm.
  9. Almost seems like Gase is on the autism spectrum. Wonder if that's why he doesn't talk to the team too much.
  10. The wife would love that (or similar)! Can you provide link/manufacturer?
  11. Seemed like a very distinctive explosion between the color and type of plume. Have to imagine someone knows exactly what that substance was.
  12. Lacking multi-media center. Nice "stand to throw up" design. You need a breathalyzer auto-lock wall on that thing too.
  13. Some folks just have to keep up with the Jones of the world. I'm fine with even them getting on the government as long as they don't linger on it. Going broke from making a lot of money would be traumatic. I would hope for those folks that a lesson would be learned, but there are all types out there.
  14. Two things for me, one, the woman whining can go ahead and whine just don't expect anyone to take you seriously. Two, I would rather have someone making 500k living check to check because they are spending the money. They are paying the nanny and the private schools etc. To me that's better than the government getting that money to prop up things that don't work well. My biggest issue with the taxes is inheritence. You've lived the American dream, made a lot of money but either give it away or give it to the government. Your kids should not own an outlandish pile of money because you did well. I will also say I don't mind paying fees or taxes if the money is used relatively well. My biggest issues are things like the post office or the VA hospital system that just needs a do over instead of cash infusions to keep a bad process alive.
  15. Probably the "owner" of your feeder, the others are watching out for him when they're drinking.
  16. That's a little ray of sunshine, you're definitely a glass half full kind of guy. Otherwise, glad they're trying to collect some real transmission data, hopefully we will learn something.
  17. My thoughts are that since Knox can make the difficult catches, he can catch the ball if his concentration is there. As opposed to a technique issue or a talent issue which would be more difficult to address, IMO. During the season I think it's difficult to work on a basic part of your game like that; their days are pretty loaded with the weeks game plan. Plus being a rookie who didn't catch a ton of balls in college, maybe the coaches were hoping the game would slow down for him a little as the season progressed. I am glad they kept going to him last year, it gave him plenty to think about this offseason. Hopefully he can translate that to some production on the field this year. It would be huge for JA's development too.
  18. I find this much funnier than my wife does.
  19. Honeysuckle is another one, but it also can take off. I have that and the trumpet creeper too. I also like to use 50% sugar in my feeding water.
  20. aka the Washington Sleestak's. Has a nice ring and is close enough to sleazy for plenty of correlation. It's the logo that sells itself.
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