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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. I've seen you mention this a few times, but when I watch him rush the passer I don't see moves or bend. He just tries to run around guys or stops and gets his hands up. Granted I don't have the all 22, but the next pass rush move I see will be the first. I can't see him being good in a one on one situation like he would need to be on the outside, he needs the scheme to free him up like Kline. To me he's a free safety playing in a DE body so I think covering the te would be a great use for him - actually when they drafted him I thought it was with the idea he could take Gronk out of the game. McDermott and the staff obviously see it differently, so we'll see if they ever utilize him in a different way.
  2. Well, Ebron is off and on again, he's been very inconsistent this year and while their receivers are very good as a group they don't have a guy that scares you. Think of them as three very good number 2's. Ben has been getting rid of the ball quickly this year as pointed out on the broadcast yesterday, but if Pouncey is still out we might be able to get some pressure up the gut on him. Conner doesn't have a lot of twitch, I think our run defense will be able to handle him. Kind of similar to Moss now that I think about it. As far as Watt, usually they will line him up over D Williams so this might be the game that determines if we pay williams a lot of money in the offseason. I guess I'm more worried about the offense, even without Dupree and Bush the Steelers are going to give us some problems. Fitzpatrick at safety is a play maker and the Steelers can still get after you against the run and the pass. Seems like they're going to get Tuitt back too, which will help their DL. Without Brown we might have some problems sustaining drives. It will be interesting to see if we're going to try and run the ball or throw it. It seems the best way to beat them historically has been with the short passing game. Hopefully Knox will come to play, he might be a big factor in a win.
  3. The team should be paying him for injury at the same rate as the franchise tag as he recovers, on their salary cap. That would cause them to think about applying the tag a little more.
  4. I think if that happened to us we would see hero Josh a lot more and all the issues that come with that. Hopefully in a couple years Josh will be able to leave that behind for good.
  5. I wonder if Josh isn't quite there yet with the deep ball, Daboll might just be doing things Josh has been doing well. Maybe if there would have been more time in the preseason/ota's there would have been a better comfort level. I think they will try to round off the offense with more deep balls next year, along with finding a way to improve the running game.
  6. I agree that we need to put together a dominant performance against a good team to change the national narrative about the Bills. If we stack 4 good quarters against the Cards, Rams and Chargers the narrative would have changed, until we do that there will be plenty of reasons to point out why we aren't an elite team. Hero Josh still shows up a little too often and it seems like we just lose focus at times but hopefully we can improve and be playing our best ball when it matters most, at the end of the season.
  7. I think for the playoffs that's a good idea. Beane probably has a list of guys that they would try out, maybe add one after week 16?
  8. The interesting thing for me will be when ford is back who will be our best guards. While winters gets blown up the coaches seem to be locked on him playing. To me that signifies he is mentally making the right plays but physically he isn't getting it done which most coaches seem to prefer. Boettger seems to have played well enough that our best 5 might be Dawkins boettger mongo ford williams. Don't know if moving ford makes sense, but with him playing there last year and the bye week maybe they do it. If they want boettger in the top 5. As an edit, we are getting into running season too, so I'm thinking we might be looking at getting our best 5 run blockers out there.
  9. It seems like similar circumstances to Spain's situation. I'm going to take McDermott at his word on this one and give Morse a 50/50 chance of playing and will not be surprised if he doesn't. As far as health concerns, if he is cleared he should be able to play, especially if they thought he was that much better. Because there are only 16 games every one is important to these guys, they work all year to play. Everything points to Morse not being a difference maker in the coaching staffs eyes.
  10. I like him more than I thought I would. He has some power and twitch, he is just getting caught not knowing where the block is coming from and letting blockers get into his body. If he's just rushing the passer he looks a lot better to me. I think that's going to be relatively easy to correct over time and he has a chance to be a good pass rusher. At this point I like his chances much more than R Johnson who doesn't seem to be taking that next step.
  11. Seemed to me he just tried to smash it to help the team out and it backfired on him. I think overall he's been more consistent than in previous years but he has to keep improving like ja has to keep his job. I'm sure it will go over well when Bass has an off day too.
  12. That can be attributed to our offense also. Other teams understand they need to score against us this year, they can't rely on us scoring under 21 points.
  13. Especially in a zone where by the time the camera gets there it may not be the person's responsibility but they end up coming off of their area while the ball is in the air to try and cover the error.
  14. Well, we didn't have our normal personnel on for the return so we had something planned that the coaches thought had a better chance to succeed than a pass short of the endzone. It might have been the case that if AZ came out with their normal kickoff cover folks we were on to try the lateral game on the kickoff because of the matchups. I don't have the all 22 to check that out, but that's the only thing I can think of that would have made sense to trigger that attempt. Poor execution by Hyde did not help.
  15. It was unfortunate to me Epenesa went out, I think he might have helped the pass rush second half and it looks like he has more athleticism than most of our other DE's. Also, did anyone hear why Morse didn't play? Assuming coaches decision, but I thought him in the lineup instead of winters would have been something to try considering our running games woes.
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