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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. We won't play kc from the two or three slot, they will get the remaining lower seed. It would be tough even from the four seed, both the 2 and 3 seeds would have to win in the wildcard round.
  2. What about Robert's? I missed it if they said why he wasn't in there.
  3. I don't get why Matt would do that, at least not with the Bills. We know who he is and what he's worth. He might sign a one year deal with another team, but he should get a new agent if all he can muster from the Bills is a one year contract. The contract he does get from us might have injury protections for the Bills but pretty much has to be multiple years out of principle. I think we are going to see more players testing the market to see what they're worth and then deciding if the Bills offer is worth it. It's the game that has to be played because of the cap. I don't think we really wanted to keep Lawson or Phillips last year but I think we will put a better effort to try and keep as many as these three as possible.
  4. If you're going to do that, you might as well invest in the ball tracking technology the premier league uses to tell when a goal is scored. No reason to rely on a camera. It's ridiculous they don't have it already.
  5. It's basically saying if the referee, properly positioned directly under the goal post, sees any part of the ball on the outside as it passes over the post the attempt is no good. You can't ask a ref to measure how much of the ball is inside a goal post. There's enough gray area there if the ball doesn't have a true upright spin etc. Just keep it away from the posts or below their tops.
  6. Other people have the technology, it exists, and this would be a great first use for it.
  7. For me, how they see Ford is key here. If they think he can play RT, then let DW walk after making a decent offer. If not, you might need to pony up for Williams and let Milano and Mongo go. I think that's the order of importance anyway (Williams, Milano, Feliciano) but I do expect Beane to offer each of them contracts that work with what he has figured for our cap. I think if we can keep one guy a right side of Ford and Williams is stronger than Mongo and Ford. Bates or a player to be added later can fill in with backup C duties.
  8. Thank you for doing your fidouchiary responsibility.
  9. Could be how it was coming down, maybe he thought it would bounce in the bills favor.
  10. Ok Josh, just stay calm, you can't win the game in the first quarter.
  11. Yeah, living around here I often have the fantasy of kicking a whiner in the nads and screaming over them "YOU DON"T KNOW HOW GOOD YOU F'NG HAVE IT!" And on a side note, I'm really hoping we can help Cleveland win the division this year. That would be an epic Steelers fail!
  12. Might be a financial decision not to, and for the first time I can remember we have decent depth along the oline, especially in the interior. I expect we make lower contract offers to each and if they want to test the market they will. This will become the norm for us, we will not be able to keep every player and will need to have quality guys in the development pipeline.
  13. Seems like Moss had some mental issues and there could have been issues in practice last week or some other type of personal issue where Moss was not focused. Since we stayed out in front of SF McDermott didn't feel the need to put him in there. Would have been interesting if the game had gotten closer if the playing time would have changed. The only thing I'll say is that McDermott has made a lot of the correct calls so while I see yout point I think in the end it will be better in the long run for the team. Seems like it might have helped Morse focus a little more even though we could have possibly won the Arizona game with him in.
  14. That's gotta be close to the highest in the league baby!
  15. I think his sarcasm is more difficult to detect when not accompanied by memes
  16. Could give them an unsportsmanlike conduct also, that would stop either team from doing it.
  17. Watching the replay, I thought Fitzpatricks elbow went right in Haden's sackologicals. Yeah, but from what I remember it always always about the TE for Smith, short passes etc. The running helped him but he's super checkdown boy.
  18. Fitzpatrick down is big Also can't believe Andy Reid got so many wins out of Alex Smith
  19. I'd be surprised to see him become a stud on the edge, but it could happen. If I remember correctly he played around the defense in college and I would have thought if he had the pass rush he would have shown it at VT. I looked it up and he had 1.5 sacks in 2017, and that was it for his 3 year career. So he hasn't had the success even in college to request a move to the outside. I think it would take something similar to a Josh Allen level improvement in accuracy, but I don't know if he's going to put the time in. In the end I think he's going to end up being their guy and they will keep him in the middle, and it will be interesting to see what they do with Milano. For me I'd think about letting Milano walk and using that first round pick on a guy that can run a little bit and that wants the run game contact. Then they can swap the two based on down and distance, keeping Tre in a spot where his talents are maximized. As far as contracts, I'm thinking we are going to sign some of these guys to contracts with a home town discount. That's not saying the contracts will be cheap, but less than what they could get on the market. What McBeane has put together is a pretty tight knit group and what looks like a franchise qb. Guys will want to stay and Beane seems to sign (mostly) smart contracts. Josh will be a big part of that picture and once they sign him the days of "he won't come to/stay in Buffalo unless we overpay" will be over.
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