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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. Huge difference how Flores handled his qb situation vs how Pederson has handled his.
  2. There are a lot of relationships in the building as well as a competitive comradery that at some level should be there for Wentz even given that he is the face of the franchise, maybe it isn't there because of his personality.
  3. All three have not played well this year. The qb seems to be an important position to get the most out of as a coach, which has not really happened since the super bowl win and his two assistants left. I was kind of surprised how happy Wentz looked last night, I had the fleeting thought Roseman told him Pederson was gone, but that's just a guess.
  4. I think they'll play the A team for a half then send the B team in the second. I hope they pull everyone irreplaceable, probably 5 per side of the ball.
  5. My boys have steam on our computer and although I don't have it on the tv they play games mostly with the keyboard. I asked about controllers and they said you can get an xbox controller to work and most controllers with a usb port. I have played a game or two and it seems good. I do know that my last computer had integrated graphics (no graphics card) and one of the games my sons wanted required a decent card so I just replaced the computer a little earlier than I normally would have. I would say just go for it, the nice thing is you don't have to sink hundreds of dollars into a console so if all you're looking for is some older games to reminisce it seems like a good deal to me.
  6. That seems more like a day to day scenario, hopefully we'll hear that next week. Maybe the OP should add a injury diagnosis poll so we can take our shot at guessing.
  7. It looks like he has only been called up once this year so it looks like he's got another one. Plus, aren't the playoff practice squad rules open? I'm looking at the front office actions: we bring Kumerow in and he starts over Duke. Seems like Stills could be a nice pickup and I'm assuming he has a good chance to start over Duke. Seems like a trend. Plus Hodgins is in the wings. Does Jennings start over Duke? Probably not this weekend, but in the playoffs? Why have Duke on the roster if you can pick guys up off the street and start them over him? I wouldn't mind having a spot for a developmental guy with John Brown's type of speed instead. If Duke was to bulk up some maybe he could be a second/third string TE. I think he would have a better chance sticking on this roster as a TE, especially if we get a fullback on the roster again next year.
  8. I agree, I'm just confused about why Duke is around, seems like all these moves are kind of discounting him being involved as a wr. I am kind of guessing that maybe they are trying to convert him to a te because other than that I don't see why they need so many extra wr's for this playoff run.
  9. I haven't heard if Brown tested positive or not - assumed it was close contact with Yeldon, but... Yeah, it just might be tough for Stills to understand the offense that quickly. If he breaks in and Josh throws out for example, it's probably a pick. I don't want to see something like that damage our chances in the playoffs.
  10. Wouldn't he just replace Brown on the roster? I didn't think he counted being on the covid list. I also think Diggs can run some more slot and is at least as shifty as Beasley. You just bring Stills in on the outside and hopefully keep it as simple as possible for him. Lots of go routes to start.
  11. With Barkley's contract expiring, the Covid cap ramifications across the league and our status as a young ascending team I have to believe they will find someone else who is close to what you're mentioning here. I'll be disappointed if they re-sign Barkley.
  12. What does that even mean? He's never been lauded for his offseason workouts, so I'm saying his normal approach plus the surgery plus the Covid has him tired at this point of the season. If he had taken a non-BIG BEN approach it would have gone better for him. I would love to see him up in Buffalo with a wind chill in the single digits, that would just crush that offense.
  13. It takes time for that to catch up with you. Do you deny Ben was looking to sit out of practice? He was actually proud to have asked. And I live around Pittsburgh. I have eyewitness accounts.
  14. So the Steelers are breaking the rules by not disclosing that injury during week 16? Ok, sure. No one has ever confused him with Tom Brady or Drew Brees when it comes to workout regime. He is rowing in the same boat as Jerome Bettis, who was always reported "to be in the best shape of his career" every year for the last 5 or so years of his career.
  15. I don't think he took real good care of himself between the surgery and the Covid inactivity period.
  16. Should someone tell Riddick (or Greise, sometimes they sound the same to me) that BB is the GM and he doesn't need to see guys in the game?
  17. I think angle the ref had it might have looked like the ball went off the NE players foot.
  18. They could have called it. He went for the ball enough though, plus the ref was kind of out of position
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