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  1. Grand Haven Michigan (home of John Potter) from Western New York, Buff State Grad, ex Bell Aerospace employee.
  2. Hank Bullough was priceless. One night I almost fell out of my chair watching WBEN when Hank explaining his process of improving the team said in conclusion "if we stick with it, the L's and W's will come".
  3. I would like to see this happen, pick up a project quarterback in later rounds (maybe Tebow falls to third). With the combination of Campbell's young age, fairly good track record, great attitude considering how he was treated, and the probability that he will be even more motivated once dealt, I can't envision a better play for the Bill's.
  4. Your not being ignored, there was an earlier thread about this, most agree Larry is a class act.
  5. Best article coming out of the News in a long time. Fair, balanced and with insight. This is how journalism is supposed to work! Link - http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/933417.html It is too bad many of the younger readers have to read garbage from the likes of Sully on an almost daily basis without the well researched and written articles like this to compare it to. I'm just having one of those opinionated days! Thanks Larry you are missed.
  6. Over the years I have found that Larry Felser has been right more than wrong. If he believes it is Schotty, I believe it is probably a done deal. A few years ago Larry implied Wilson was going to fire Wade Phillips when no one else thought he would. Unfortunately Larry was dead on. By the way I can’t stand Sully, won’t read him, won’t listen to him, he is just a bag of hot air, absolutely has no redeeming qualities as a journalist. It is too bad the News as lowered them selves to that level!
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